How to Solve Money Woes of the World Using the Bancor

I have written about money woes issues separately in the past on a variety of venues, but consistently on Econintersect and Talk Markets. Let me now gather these thoughts together. A confluence of impelling crises requires this synthesis.  Here I argue for the institution of a global currency – the Bancor – first proposed by John Maynard Keynes at Bretton Woods in 1944.

How To Stop Inflation Cold

Over the years, I have written in many venues about the extreme importance of four economic rights and responsibilities and their transformation into four Concordian economic policies. My writings on this topic have consistently received the most readers, all over the world.

To my unending surprise, spurred by our immediate needs I have recently discovered
another major—major—ability of Concordian economics. Here it is: With the tools offered by
Concordian economics, we can stop inflation cold.

Let us see how.