Mikhail Gorbachev vs. Deng Xiaoping

Mikhail Gorbachev vs. Deng Xiaoping

Mikhail Gorbachev just passed away (Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet leader who ended Cold War, dies at 91). Hailed as a hero in America, he will eventually be, if not already has been, regarded as a traitor in Russia. In contrast. China’s Deng Xiaoping has proven to be the greatest peaceful transformation leader in human history!

What, then, is the relationship between Gorbachev and Deng?

Is NATO the new Nazi?

Is NATO the new Nazi?

Yes and no!

No, NATO is not like the Nazis, either ideologically or organizationally.

Yes, NATO is like the Nazis in terms of the attitude toward Russia (e.g., hatred and contempt) as well as the destruction to the world. Any doubt? Ask the folks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria!