Europe without America?

Europe without America?

No, it will not happen soon!

A Google search of the same title has resulted in just one book: Europe without America?, whose cover is highlighted above. It was published in 1988. But Europe is still with America today. Why is that?

1. What has happened in Europe since 1988?

Four major events:

  • The disintegration of the USSR in 1991.
  • The NATO expansion after 1991.
  • Russia’s comeback.
  • The war in Ukraine.

2. How should these events be viewed?

NATO vs. Russia! Specifically, here are three informative readings:

Bottom line: Instead of dissolving NATO after the disintegration of the USSR in 1991, America pushed to expand NATO eastward, all the way to Russia’s doorstep, which is the root cause of many new problems over there, especially the war in Ukraine!

For more, read The great game in Ukraine is spinning out of control.

3. What is the EU-America relations today?

The video below provides one perspective.

The video below provides another perspective.

In short, Western Europe has been following America since the end of WWII, while many Eastern European countries became American lapdogs after 1991 (Are Democracy and NATO a lethal combination?)!

Bottom line: This Winter will stress-test their loyalty to America, which is the culprit for many of the major problems in Europe (and elsewhere) over the past few decades, at least!

4. What is wrong with America today?

Simply put, thanks to the evil MIC (America’s Evil Military Industrial Complex), the American government has been reduced to two primary functions:

  • Making weapons at home.
  • Selling them abroad.

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

5. How can America be so wrong today?

Built on a pile of lies, America is finally collapsing! Two informative readings:

6. What is America’s future?

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!

7. What is Europe’s future?

Europe must free itself from American control!

The video below provides one perspective.

The video below provides another perspective.

8. Closing

It is very unfortunate for Europe to be stuck between America and Russia in a geopolitics power game!

The simple fact is that Russia is a part of Europe, but America is not. So, unless they destroy themselves (as well as us all) via WWIII, bet on Russia to be in, but America out of, Europe, over time!

In other words, Russia will prevail over America in Europe!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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