Is NATO the new Nazi?

Is NATO the new Nazi?

Yes and no!

No, NATO is not like the Nazis, either ideologically or organizationally.

Yes, NATO is like the Nazis in terms of the attitude toward Russia (e.g., hatred and contempt) as well as the destruction to the world. Any doubt? Ask the folks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria!

1. What is Nazi?

Read Wikipedia – Nazi Germany.

2. What is NATO?

Read Wikipedia – NATO.

Below is a famous quote by Hastings Ismay, NATO’s first Secretary-General. I will use this simple definition of NATO in this post.

In response to NATO (formed in 1949) of the West led by the USA, the East came out with the “Warsaw Pact” led by the USSR in 1955.

3. Warsaw Pact and Cold War

Read Wikipedia – Warsaw Pact.

Read Wikipedia – Cold War.

In short, both NATO and the Warsaw Pact are the instruments of the Cold War.

4. From 1991 on

The Warsaw Pact ended in July 1991 and the Cold War ended in December 1991. So, NATO should have ended accordingly, right?


The Americans wanted to stay (America’s Evil Military Industrial Complex), although the Russians were “out” and the Germans were still “down” (militarily at least).

As a result, NATO not only has expanded eastward aggressively (Wikipedia – Enlargement of NATO), but also has been mostly a hugely destructive force. Five prominent examples:

Below are two recent assessments of NATO:

5. NATO vs. Nazi

Ideologically or organizationally – NATO is not like the Nazis, except for the fact shown by the image below. For more on this person named Adolf Heusinger, read Wikipedia – Adolf Heusinger.

NATO is like the Nazis in terms of the attitude toward Russia (e.g., hatred and contempt) as well as the destruction to the world, as highlighted above in Section 4, with the worst yet to come, most likely …

6. Ukraine

The current crisis in Ukraine was predictable – It was actually predicted by John Mearsheimer in 2015, as shown by the video below.

Two informative readings:

In short, NATO is very wrong!

7. Discussion

NATO is very wrong because America is very wrong! The image below offers a highlight.

Another highlight.

The image below offers yet another highlight.

And the image below offers a 4th highlight.

Two informative readings:

What, then, is the solution? Specifically,

  • What to do with NATO?
  • What to do with America?

Let me answer them one by one …

7.1 What to do with NATO?

Reform or Russia will end NATO, just like the USSR decisively defeated the Nazi (Who actually decisively defeated Nazi Germany?).

Three informative readings.

7.2 What to do with America?

Reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or become a fiddle second to China!

8. Closing

Today, NATO is practically the new Nazi in terms of the attitude toward Russia (e.g., hatred and contempt) as well as the destruction to the world. Russia will end it, most likely!

Now please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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