Finding Economic Justice

Locke abandoned the Doctrine of Economic Justice and replaced it with an analysis of the conditions that yield the justice of property rights. To which Marx, the Socialists, (and their predecessors) retorted: let us rather analyze the injustices of property rights. These are the contours within which the legal, social, economic, and political discourse has been carried out during the last few centuries. We might get out of this chasm, through an analysis in three parts. In Part I, we outline three fundamental mistakes in Marx’s analysis; in Part II, we analyze the existence and conditions of economic rights as generators of just property rights; in Part III, we complete the Theory of Economic Justice by adding the plank of Participative Justice to the two traditional planks of Distributive Justice and Commutative Justice.

Four Economic Rights And Responsibilities

Tools to Make the Corporation – and Governments – Serve the Needs of Human Beings

This paper identifies four economic rights and corresponding economic responsibilities in accordance with the needs of the factors of production: land, labor, and capital distinguished between physical and financial capital. Economic rights are the creators of property rights and find their justification in corresponding economic responsibilities. The implementation of these four rights and responsibilities is ideally suited to make the corporation serve the interests of human beings. A brief discussion of the role of governments in achieving this goal is also presented.

Economics for Peace and Justice

An immediate danger, the danger of nuclear holocaust, can be met with an efficacious solution, a grand design. President Biden, it is suggested, can offer the end of the dollar hegemony, a great desire of President Putin, for an end to the war in Ukraine. This bargain can be constructed out of the monetary policy that results from a New Neoclassical Synthesis extended to the creation of the Bancor International Order (BIO). Any nation that follows Three Rules for the creation and distribution of money, three rules of economic justice, can be certified by the IMF to become a member of BIO, provided it ceases any belligerent action.

Illustration 1. Nuclear Armageddon.
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay