Four Economic Rights And Responsibilities

Tools to Make the Corporation – and Governments – Serve the Needs of Human Beings

This paper identifies four economic rights and corresponding economic responsibilities in accordance with the needs of the factors of production: land, labor, and capital distinguished between physical and financial capital. Economic rights are the creators of property rights and find their justification in corresponding economic responsibilities. The implementation of these four rights and responsibilities is ideally suited to make the corporation serve the interests of human beings. A brief discussion of the role of governments in achieving this goal is also presented.

From Subsidiarity to Solidarity and Sustainability

 In a previous post we saw how Concordian economics offers a paradigm through which we can, not only talk of the importance of the Principle of Subsidiarity, but even automatically implement the important recommendations advocated by this principle.

Here we will see how Concordian economics automatically implements the content of two more principles that are an important outgrowth of Subsidiarity: Solidarity and Sustainability.