Consumer Credit and Inflation: Part 3

The full data sets for the 71 years from 1952 to 2022 show no discernable association patterns (correlations) for household credit growth and inflation changes.1  Thus, we started an analysis by looking specifically at the various regimes of inflation change during the 71-year timeline.  The most recent post2 analyzed the eight time periods over 71 years with positive inflation surges.  This article analyzes the five periods for 1952-2022 with negative inflation (disinflation/deflation) surges.

From an image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

September 2023 Economic Forecast: Our Forecast Continues To Suggest No Recession But Our Index Continues To Decline

Authored by Steven Hansen

EconCurrent‘s Economic Index again declined and now has entered negative territory. We do not see a recession baked in but there continue to be three major indicators signaling a recession.  Read on to understand the currents affecting our economic growth.

August 2023 Economic Forecast: Modest Slowing Of Our Forecast But It Continues To Suggest No Recession Is In The Works

Authored by Steven Hansen

EconCurrent‘s Economic Index modestly declined but remains in positive territory. We do not see a recession baked in but there are three major indicators signaling a recession (no change from last month)  Read on to understand the currents affecting our economic growth.

Government Spending and Inflation. Part 13B – Addendum

This is a continuation of the analysis of each significant period of rising inflation since 1914.  The first part1 covered the years up to the start of World War II.  The second part2 covered the inflationary periods following World War II through 2022.  This is an addendum to the second part.

From a photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

Four Economic Rights And Responsibilities

Tools to Make the Corporation – and Governments – Serve the Needs of Human Beings

This paper identifies four economic rights and corresponding economic responsibilities in accordance with the needs of the factors of production: land, labor, and capital distinguished between physical and financial capital. Economic rights are the creators of property rights and find their justification in corresponding economic responsibilities. The implementation of these four rights and responsibilities is ideally suited to make the corporation serve the interests of human beings. A brief discussion of the role of governments in achieving this goal is also presented.