Did John Adams say it, really?

Did John Adams say it, really?

Yes, he did, verbatim!

I have been using this quote frequently in my writings, and have encountered three major situations as follows:

  • Most Americans are unaware of this quote.
  • Some jumped to correction from “Lye” to “lie”.
  • Some argued about its “context.”

Let me elaborate on each …

1. Most Americans are unaware of this quote

You will likely be one of them if you are unfamiliar with my writings.

Why is that?

One main reason: It does not fit the “narrative.” For more, read Media distortion in America over the past 246 years!

2. Some jumped to correction from “Lye” to “lie”

Three main reasons:

  • Ignorance: They were unaware of this quote.
  • Laziness: They were too lazy to do a simple Google search before judging.
  • Prejudice: They did not believe a person with the last name “Li” could possibly write well in English, let alone on such an American topic as the American Revolution.

3. Some argued about its “context”

Below is the full quote.

For more, read Contributor question: A favorite witty quote from the revolutionary era.

4. Discussion

Two perspectives:

  • A quote is a quote is a quote!
  • You argue about its “context” because you dislike it!

Let me highlight each …

4.1 A quote is a quote is a quote!

Below are three well-known quotes.

Have you ever argued about the “context” in which each was said?


Why not?

Because you either agree, or there is no [easy] way to know the “context” per se!

4.2 You argue about its “context” because you dislike it!

This quote, if widely accepted, will result in re-writing the history of the American Revolution, which may nullify everything you think you know about America, starting with the American Revolution!

Two challenges for you:

5. Two more quotes from John Adams

Are they helpful for you to understand his “mindset” about the American Revolution?

6. More discussion

What, then, is wrong with the history of the American Revolution?

Two huge examples:

Very broadly, read the image below.

7. Closing

The quote from John Adams is accurate with profound meaning, which may well explain why America is so deeply in trouble today, both at home and abroad (The Monroe Doctrine at age 200)!

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!


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