Media distortion in America

Media distortion in America

America’s MSM lies a lot! Two recent examples of big lies:

To understand the real reasons behind this phenomenon, we must go all the way back to the founding days … 

1. What is the American Revolution, anyway?

The American Revolution was real, but most of its purported reasons are lies! The image below highlights one example of a big lie.

For more, read What is the American Revolution, anyway?

2. Profound reasoning

3. What is America, anyway?

America was founded by/of/for the rich, with money behind everything, especially politics.

It remains so today, despite all the changes over the past 200 years.

The rich control the MSM, as well as [most of] the politicians, with the worst being the MIC (America’s Evil Military Industrial Complex).

For more, read What is America, anyway?

4. Media distortion from the right

Two big Fox News anchors Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs. Let me highlight each.

4.1 Sean Hannity and Covid-19

Read Media Watchdog Names Sean Hannity as a Chief Source of Coronavirus Misinformation!

4.2 Lou Dobbs and “Stop the Steal”

Read Lou Dobbs: “Many are trying to steal this election from President Trump”

5. Media distortion from the left

Two examples are climate change and the war in Ukraine.

5.1 Climate change

The image below is disgraceful!

Here is why: What does a 16-year-old youth know? Not much – She has been used as a tool by some powers!

This young girl reminds me of the Red Guards in China at the beginning of the Cultural RevolutionMao took advantage of their innocence to turn China upside down.

Bottom line: If she were my granddaughter, she would be known for something else, so I wish, at least.

Note: I am not debating about climate change. I am saying that it is wrong to use a 16-year-old youth as the banner for any serious matter, such as climate change.

5.2 The war in Ukraine

Read Calling Russia’s Attack ‘Unprovoked’ Lets US Off the Hook.

Here is a recent news story: Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by “Barking at Putin’s Door”.

6. Distortion by omission

Two significant examples:

7. Discussion

Politicians lie and the MSM lies – Together they form a lethal combination to destroy America as well as the world. Remember this big lie?

Question: Which country needs propaganda (i.e., most outrageous lies) most?

Answer: The one whose government is least trusted!

So, it’s the US, not Russia or China!

For more, read History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline.

8. Closing

Is America built to last, with such a horrible tradition as media distortion?

I do not think so!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below to know what is really going on in Ukraine.




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