The Monroe Doctrine at age 200

The Monroe Doctrine at age 200

America is deeply in trouble, both at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says) and abroad (U.S. Suffers Greatest Global Decline in Trust). It has much to do with the Monroe Doctrine, which marks its 200-year anniversary in 2023. So, let us understand what it is and, more importantly, what it has done to America and the world over the past 200 years.

1. What is the Monroe Doctrine?

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia – Monroe Doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine was a United States foreign policy position that opposed European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. It held that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the United States.[1] The doctrine was central to American foreign policy for much of the 19th and early 20th centuries.[2]

President James Monroe first articulated the doctrine on December 2, 1823, during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress (though it would not be named after him until 1850).[3] At the time, nearly all Spanish colonies in the Americas had either achieved or were close to independence. Monroe asserted that the New World and the Old World were to remain distinctly separate spheres of influence,[4] and thus further efforts by European powers to control or influence sovereign states in the region would be viewed as a threat to U.S. security.[2][5] In turn, the United States would recognize and not interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal affairs of European countries.

To me, it looks like a well-thought-out strategy to position America as a “regional” power in the Americas …

2. America’s territorial expansion

After the American Revolution was concluded in 1783, America brutally continued British colonialization throughout North America, without Britain. The image below offers a highlight.

The image below highlights America’s territorial expansion under different Presidents.

The image below highlights America’s territorial expansion across the Pacific Ocean, with a foreign policy guided by the Monroe Doctrine.

For more, read The United States of America Territorial Expansion.

3. America’s military interventions after WWII

After WWII ended in 1945, America continued his global expansion [of influence] guided by the Monroe Doctrine, with two major exports:

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

4. Discussion

Bluntly speaking, America played a critical role in saving the world by participating in WWII, but may destroy us all as a species by inciting WWIII!

Three profound questions:

  • What is America, anyway?
  • What is the real world today?
  • What will the American world look like tomorrow?

Let me answer them one by one …

4.1 What is America, anyway?

Three informative readings:

In summary, America was born with a severe birth defect: It was born as a new colonial power! As America aged up, the Monroe Doctrine was born, which propelled America to global prominence. Unfortunately, the birth defect exacerbated by the Monroe Doctrine may eventually doom America. For more, read Colonialism vs. Communism.

4.2 What is the real world today?

The world is no longer unipolar, as America has been experiencing since 1991. Instead, it is multi-polar, with Russia and China being the other two big powers!

Two informative readings:

4.3 What will the American world look like tomorrow?

America’s influence around the globe will be diminished over time.

Five informative readings:

5. More discussion

The Monroe Doctrine was not evil in nature. But it has, over time, resulted in the birth of America’s evil MIC (Military-Industrial Complex).

How evil is the MIC?

It has reduced the American government to a clown with two primary functions:

  • Making weapons at home.
  • Selling them abroad.

Bottom line: The MIC is the existential threat not only to America, but also to mankind! For more, read America’s Evil Military Industrial Complex.

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!

6. Closing

It is time for America to denounce the Monroe Doctrine and take corrective actions against the MIC!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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