Let us get some political terms right!

Let us get some political terms right!

America has become so polarized that everything is political. The country is so confused that everything is subject to debate. To facilitate American political discourses, let me clearly define the following basic political terms:

  • Republic.
  • Democracy.
  • Autocracy.
  • Socialism vs. capitalism.
  • Communism vs. colonialism.

Let me elaborate them one by one.

From Subsidiarity to Solidarity and Sustainability

 In a previous post we saw how Concordian economics offers a paradigm through which we can, not only talk of the importance of the Principle of Subsidiarity, but even automatically implement the important recommendations advocated by this principle.

Here we will see how Concordian economics automatically implements the content of two more principles that are an important outgrowth of Subsidiarity: Solidarity and Sustainability.

To Unify Our Country – The Splendor of Interdependence

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” It will collapse.

It is no longer a question of words. We have reached the point at which, as Lewis Carroll recognized so long ago, we have become the Masters of Words. Words have the meaning we give them.

Take just the words “terrorist” and “patriot.” Apply them to the fact of the assault on the Capital on January 6 of last year. You will see that there is a precise reversal of meaning when used by the right or by the left of our political spectrum.

Worse. Each group has developed a detailed ideology to justify its positions; and each group maintains, with greater or lesser justification, that it is contemplating the truth.

Words can no longer unify our country.