Again, it is Trump!

Again, it is Trump!

Just like in 2016, Donald Trump may well surprise many to win the 2024 election. Two projections:

  • Trump will be the GOP nominee, thanks to MAGA.
  • Trump will defeat President Biden in November, thanks to the Independents, most of whom would choose a pathological liar over a war hawk as the lesser of two evils.
Election 2024: Anybody but Joe Biden!

Election 2024: Anybody but Joe Biden!

Although the 2024 general election is still more than one year away, I have already made up my mind: anybody but Joe Biden!

Here is the reason: The war in Ukraine poses an existential threat to mankind, as it may result in World War III, thus destroying us all as a species. President Biden could have prevented that war from breaking out but chose not to. Moreover, he can stop the war any time now but has yet to do so.

Voting is overrated!

Voting is overrated!

The 2022 midterm election is over. Regardless of the final tally, here are two certainties for America:

  • The GOP will become the majority in the House, which means payback time for the Democrats, including the possibility of having President Biden impeached.
  • The American government will continue to be dysfunctional, and America will thus continue to decline, precipitously.

Why and how can America be so hopelessly in a rabbit hole?

Voting is overrated!