What is the U.S. Constitution, anyway?

What is the U.S. Constitution, anyway?

The U.S. Constitution was well written initially (in 1787 or 1789), but it is obsolete at least, just like the Declaration of Independence (What is “Declaration of Independence”, anyway?).

After the American Revolution concluded in 1783, America was governed under the Articles of Confederation, which did not work out well. As a result, the first Constitutional Convention was held in 1787, resulting in the birth of the original U.S. Constitution.

Is NATO the new Nazi?

Is NATO the new Nazi?

Yes and no!

No, NATO is not like the Nazis, either ideologically or organizationally.

Yes, NATO is like the Nazis in terms of the attitude toward Russia (e.g., hatred and contempt) as well as the destruction to the world. Any doubt? Ask the folks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria!

What is Russia, anyway?

What is Russia, anyway?

Russia is in the news big time these days (2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine). So, there is no better time than now for me to write about Russia …

Although I have lived in China, Japan, America, and western Europe, and traveled around the world, I have never been to Russia. However, I believe my life experience in both the East and the West has given me a unique perspective of many things, including Russia.