Voting is overrated!

Voting is overrated!

The 2022 midterm election is over. Regardless of the final tally, here are two certainties for America:

  • The GOP will become the majority in the House, which means payback time for the Democrats, including the possibility of having President Biden impeached.
  • The American government will continue to be dysfunctional, and America will thus continue to decline, precipitously.

Why and how can America be so hopelessly in a rabbit hole?

Voting is overrated!

American “free press” is a lie!

American “free press” is a lie!

American “free press” is a lie because it practically does not exist in America!

Specifically, the rich control the press, not only the traditional media (e.g., newspapers and TV), but also the social media (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). The press, in turn, serves the rich, including both the commercial and political establishments!

Earned emperorship in China

Earned emperorship in China

The top Chinese leader is an emperor. The emperorship is earned and it is good for one person and one generation only. Three highlights:

  • He (or she) is an emperor because he has absolute power, just like a traditional Chinese emperor did.
  • The emperorship is earned because any Chinese can have it, via hard work and some luck.
  • The emperorship is good for one person and one generation only, because it cannot be passed along via the bloodline (or marriage)!