March 2023 Economic Forecast: Data Improves But Inflation Uncertainties May Be A Monkey Wrench

Authored by Steven Hansen

EconCurrent‘s Economic Index continues to improve but remains slightly in negative territory. Interestingly, there continues to be improvement in the economic releases we view. Even industrial production and retail sales insignificantly gained. Yet, there is a potential chill in the air caused by inflation uncertainties. Read on to understand the currents affecting our economic growth.

February 2023 Economic Forecast: Most Data Shows Little Indication That A Recession Is Coming

Authored by Steven Hansen

EconCurrent‘s Economic Index improved this month but continues to show weak growth. There is a general economic weakness across the board EXCEPT in the area of government and employment. However, except for industrial production (and possibly retail sales) – the data is showing few signs that a recession is coming. Read on to understand the currents affecting our economic growth.

January 2023 Economic Forecast: Our Indicators Predict Little Change In The Rate Of Economic Growth

Authored by Steven Hansen

EconCurrent‘s Economic Index insignificantly improved this month but continues to show the lowest level of growth since the 2020 recession. The ongoing weakness of transport, and imports continues to weigh on our economic forecast. There is no question we live in interesting economic times as the future economic impacts of inflation, pandemics, and the war in Ukraine are unpredictable. Read on to understand the currents affecting our economic growth.

December 2022 Economic Forecast: Our Indicators Predict Continued Moderation Of Economic Growth

Authored by Steven Hansen

EconCurrent‘s Economic Index slowed again this month and continues to show the lowest level of growth since the 2020 recession. The ongoing weakness of transport, and imports continues to weigh on our economic forecast. There is no question we live in interesting economic times as the future economic impacts of inflation and COVID are unpredictable. Read on to understand the currents affecting our economic growth.

Inflation Dynamics Shows Its Ugly Head And Will Be With Us For Some Time

Gasoline seems to increase ten cents every day. Some pundits say crude will hit $2000 shortly which will place gas at nearly $8.00 per gallon. President Biden is blaming it on Putin but the reality is that decisions made in the last year in the USA have set the stage for a domestic energy shortfall – and therefore much of the resulting inflation. The Ukraine war has accelerated the process but an energy shortfall was baked into the cake.

Inflation Is Biting

The dynamics causing inflation are beginning to pile up.

  • the pandemic caused a slow down in production;
  • the strong economic recovery from the pandemic caused a short supply of products due to labor shortages and historically high demand exceeding supply; and,
  • now the Ukraine war where major suppliers of commodities are sidelined.