Colonial America 1776-2040?

Colonial America 1776-2040?

On this day of America’s 247th birthday, let us clearly recognize what America truly is: the last big colonial power standing, which is about to collapse. The question is whether America will timely correct itself or take the world down with it by provoking WWIII, thus destroying us all as a species?

First off, let me wake you up with the image below.

Now, think, read, think more …

1. What is colonialism?

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia – Colonialism.

Though colonialism has existed since ancient times, the concept is most strongly associated with the European colonial period starting with the 15th century when some European states established colonising empires.

In the aftermath of World War II colonial powers retreated between 1945 and 1975; over which time nearly all colonies gained independence,

In summary:

  • Colonialism was started in Western Europe in the 15th century.
  • The end of WWII was the beginning of the end of colonialism.

2. Why is America colonial?

Let us divide American history into three periods as follows:

  • 1492-1776.
  • 1776-1945.
  • 1945-present.

Let me briefly elaborate on each …

2.1 1492-1776

America before 1776 was unquestionably colonial, as the European migrants to America before 1776 called themselves “colonists” – End of discussion!

Now, why 1492?

The image below is a more general description of the two Americas from 1492 on.

2.2 1776-1945

America was founded by/of/for some rich “colonists,” who simply did not want to pay [more] taxes. Additionally, they wanted the possibility of expanding America beyond the original 13 colonies against Royal Proclamation of 1763.

For more, read What is the American Revolution, anyway (V3)?

After the American Revolution was concluded in 1783, Americans brutally continued British colonialization throughout North America, without Britain. The image below is a highlight.

2.3 1945-present

After WWII ended in 1945, America “colonized” the globe by two means:

  • Installing military bases all over the world.
  • Spreading a tried-and-failed ideology called “democracy,” sometimes by force.

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

For more, read America’s evil MIC.

2.4 Summary

Are you still wondering about the founding and reality of America?

Read the image below!

3. Why is colonialism finally ending?

China’s comeback!

China offers a real, and significant, model of prosperity, without colonialism. For example, China has lifted some 800 million people out of poverty over the past four decades, without firing a single shot or dropping a single bomb – It is totally unprecedented in human history, especially in terms of scale, speed, and peaceful development!

China’s comeback has unveiled two biggest lies of colonialism (1492-2040):

  • America is exceptional.
  • Democracy is a valid form of government.

Let me elaborate on each …

3.1 America is exceptional

America is exceptional in many ways, of which one example is shown below.

For more, read Is America exceptional, really?

3.2 Democracy is a valid form of government

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

For more, read Western liberal democracy is a lie!

4. Discussion

On top of recognizing America as the last big colonial power standing, here is another major perspective: America is a lie, highlighted by the image below.

For more, read America is a lie!

5. More discussion

America is deeply in trouble, both at home and abroad!

Let me highlight each …

5.1 America is deeply in trouble at home

Without a functioning government, America is becoming un-governable! The image below highlights one prominent example.

For more, read Is America exceptional, really?

5.2 America is deeply in trouble abroad

Two biggest American war lies this century:

For more, read Wars and Lies: George W. Bush vs. Joe Biden.

6. Still more discussion

We are witnessing the end of colonialism (1492-2040), with America being the last big colonial power standing, resisting relentlessly and recklessly!

6.1 Relentless resistance

America, leading the West (aka “former colonial powers”), has been doing everything possible to

  • cripple China, Tonya Harding style.
  • prevent the China model from spreading, while continuing to mess up the world, from the Mideast to Eastern Europe (yes, Ukraine first)!

6.2 Reckless resistance

Both China and Russia are nuclear powers! Some crazy American neo-cons seem to believe America can win a nuclear war against China or Russia, or both at the same time!

6.3 Why 2040?

That is when China is expected to surpass the U.S. in GDP. More importantly, the U.S. would have self-destructed so much by then that its role in the multi-polar world would be second to China’s, thus ending colonialism, finally (1492-2040).

For more, read the book at the end of this post.

7. Closing

Colonialism is finally ending (1492-2040), with America collapsing as the last big colonial power.

America may choose to end it peacefully or take the world down with it via WWIII (Will America lie all the way into WW III?).

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or become a fiddle, second to China!


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