Three major political parties in America

Three major political parties in America

There are three major political parties in America today:

  • The Democratic Party, led by President Joe Biden.
  • The Republican Party (aka “the GOP”), led by some neo-cons such as Nikki Haley and Mitch McConnell.
  • The Trump Party, which is a major spin-off of the GOP.

1. The Trump party is the moderate one!

This adage still applies today: The GOP has no heart and the Democratic Party has no brain.

But far worse now than, say, 70 years ago: Both the GOP and the Democratic Party serve moneyed interests, explicitly and shamelessly!

Specifically, they both have been in bed for war over the past three decades, at least, as both are extreme and both controlled by America’s evil MIC.

As a result, the Trump Party is actually the moderate one, with the mainstream!

Specifically, Donald Trump is in the middle, ideologically! In contrast, President Biden has the worst of both extremes: He is a war-hawk like a neo-con and he is a neo-Liberal for the open borders!

2. Why so bad?

The political system has failed!

Wake up, America! Stop religiously believing in our political system! It is one of the worst not only in the modern world, but also in history!

3. Why has it failed?

Jeffersonian America has run its course!

Two informative readings:

4. Do most Americans get it?

No, they do not!

Why not?

Read the image below!

For more, read Brainwashing and America.

5. What is the solution?

Political reforms! Specifically, two steps:

Donald Trump is not a part of the establishment! So, he is at least hopefully to dismantle the  system of war and profiteering!

Donnie 2024!

6. Closing

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline, or face a bloody revolution at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!


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