America’s Culture of War?

America’s Culture of War?

Yes, America has had a culture of war throughout American history. It is now the #1 existential threat not only to America but also to the world. So, it is time to have it fixed – now!

1. America’s culture of war

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

For more, read Jimmy Carter: US ‘Most Warlike Nation in History of the World’.

2. War and the U.S. Constitution

Here is the War Powers Clause from the United States Constitution:

[The Congress shall have Power…] To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

Note: Throughout American history, only five wars have been declared by Congress: the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, and World War II.[1]

3. War and America

Let us go all the way back to George Washington’s Farewell Address, in which President Washington gave four warnings (What were four warnings that George Washington gave in his farewell speech?), of which two were specifically related to war:

  • He warned America that it should not become entangled in other nations’ affairs.
  • He supported a national budget, as a way for America to avoid unnecessary war and war borrowing.

Unfortunately, America hardly listened to him (e.g., Monroe Doctrine) and became much worse after WWII, when America became an economic monopoly. Two examples:

  • The image below is a partial list of America’s wars after WWII.
  • America had never started a massive pre-emptive war against any country until March 2003, when it launched the Iraq War.

All the wars listed above were illegal, as none was declared by Congress!

Now, how can this post-WWII America’s mad love for war be explained?

4. Blame the MIC!

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

For more, read America’s evil MIC.

5. The MIC and the culture of war

They fuel each other!

Let me briefly highlight each …

5.1 The MIC fuels the culture of war

The video below highlights one prominent example (Did the Pentagon Fake the Jessica Lynch Story?).

5.2 The culture of war fuels the MIC

The image below should look familiar to most Americans.

For its profound implications, read the image below.

For more, read America is a lie!

6. Discussion

America has been madly in love with war throughout its entire life so far, especially after WWII, to the point that the MIC is now the #1 existential threat to America for one main reason: The MIC has corrupted America to the core – The MIC has reduced the American government to a clown with two primary functions:

  • Buying weapons at home.
  • Selling them abroad.

Worse yet, the MIC is now the #1 existential threat to the world – Read Will America lie all the way into WW III?

7.  More discussion

Now, let us identify the root cause of America’s culture of war …

Unlike Canada or Australia, which gained independence from Britain without violence, America gained it violently via a war: the American Revolution.

What, then, is the American Revolution?

It was a revolution by/of/for the rich! For more, read What is the American Revolution, anyway (V3)?

The image below highlights America’s culture of war from 1776 to today!

Two informative readings:

8.  Still more discussion

How to stop America’s love for war, thus ending the culture of war?

Here is a real solution:

Is American patriotism so bad, really?

Yes, it was bad 250 years ago, and it is bad today!

Specifically, two big steps as a real solution:

  • Reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline)! Simply put, so long as money is behind American politics, America will forever be stuck with wars, because war has proven to be very good for most top politicians, including John McCain, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden!
  • Draft: A war is worthwhile only if you personally are willing to go or send your children there!

9. Closing

America’s culture of war must be fixed!

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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