Colonial America 1776-2040?
The worst man-made disaster is war, but America is perpetually at it, which may soon result in World War III, thus destroying us all as a species.
The worst man-made disaster is war, but America is perpetually at it, which may soon result in World War III, thus destroying us all as a species.
America has become so polarized that everything is political. The country is so confused that everything is subject to debate. To facilitate American political discourses, let me clearly define the following basic political terms:
Let me elaborate them one by one.
Among all the major continents on Earth (e.g., Europe and Asia), Africa is most likely to be the first without much American influence.
Why is that?
Four main reasons:
Let me highlight each …
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) was born on October 1, 1949. Seventy-three years later, China is well on her way to claiming the 21st century – China offers a real, and the only, significant model of prosperity, without colonialism, thus finally ending western colonialism of the past few hundred years!
What’s really going on between the West and the “rest” nowadays? President Biden has made it a big deal of “democracy vs. autocracy” (Democracy vs autocracy: Biden’s “inflection point”). But to me, it’s far more profound than that – It’s actually “colonialism vs. communism”, with communism prevailing!
How can the U.K., a country composed of some islands in West Europe, become such a powerful country, with its language, English, as the global language today?
In this post, I will first clearly spell out what colonialism is. I will then call the world to succinctly (1) recognize America as the last big colonial power standing and (2) work toward a peaceful ending of colonial America (1776-2030), thus wiping out colonialism from this planet!
On this day of America’s 246th birthday, let’s clearly recognize what America truly is: the last big colonial power, collapsing!
Two biggest American war lies this century:
More profoundly, America has been badly failing in the real world of Three New Kingdoms (i.e., the U.S., Russia, and China) for one key reason: America is actually the last big colonial power standing. America is relentlessly and recklessly resisting the inevitable: a total collapse because the colonial model is totally out of date!