What if Ayn Rand was wrong, mostly?
To understand Libertarianism and American Conservatism, one needs to truly understand Ayn Rand.
To understand Libertarianism and American Conservatism, one needs to truly understand Ayn Rand.
Milton Friedman was an influential and controversial American economist. As a self-proclaimed disciple of Adam Smith and Thomas Jefferson, he religiously preached for freedom and individualism, especially later in his life.
In this post, I will briefly assess his political works, with a clear conclusion that he is mostly a man of the past.
Mikhail Gorbachev just passed away (Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet leader who ended Cold War, dies at 91). Hailed as a hero in America, he will eventually be, if not already has been, regarded as a traitor in Russia. In contrast. China’s Deng Xiaoping has proven to be the greatest peaceful transformation leader in human history!
What, then, is the relationship between Gorbachev and Deng?
What is the key difference between the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China (PRC)?
They were born differently, almost totally opposite to each other! The U.S. was founded for the super-rich (aka “the top 1%” in today’s terms) via the American Revolution, whereas the PRC was founded for the poor via the Chinese Communist Revolution.
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) was born on October 1, 1949, as the result of the Chinese Communist Revolution (What is the Chinese Communist Revolution, anyway?). Its life can be simply divided into three periods as follows:
Let me highlight each …
In this post, I will first clearly spell out what colonialism is. I will then call the world to succinctly (1) recognize America as the last big colonial power standing and (2) work toward a peaceful ending of colonial America (1776-2030), thus wiping out colonialism from this planet!