My American Dream Story

My American Dream Story

Despite all its problems (“We the People” have had enough!), America remains the best land of opportunity for many individuals to succeed, and I am a modern-day example of one who came to see his “American Dream” come true.

There are many American Dreams – Just to name a few: hitting a mega-lottery, being your own boss, or just for freedom. Here is my American Dream: to achieve modest financial independence and then do whatever I want, such as writing about politics and doing competitive ballroom dancing.

I realized my American Dream a few years ago, and have been living it since then.

Parenting in America: 36 years back and 36 years ahead

Parenting in America: 36 years back and 36 years ahead

Thirty-six years ago today, I became a father: My first child was born on May 4, 1987. Happy birthday, Dan!

As parents, we all want to see our children doing well. If they do, we are happy. If they do not, our hearts get broken. This is human nature, universally.

For a child to do well, all three elements must be right: parenting, self-effort, and the environment.

There has been no better environment than America over the past 36 years! But will this still be true 36 years from now? I am worried, deeply …