What is colonialism, anyway?
In this post, I will first clearly spell out what colonialism is. I will then call the world to succinctly (1) recognize America as the last big colonial power standing and (2) work toward a peaceful ending of colonial America (1776-2030), thus wiping out colonialism from this planet!
What is communism, anyway?
It is time for the world, especially America, to truly understand what communism is and its implications for the world.
Why does America hate China?
America hates China (Unrelenting US Hostility Toward China), and China-bashing has become a bipartisan sport in U.S. Congress (The New American Bipartisan Consensus on China Policy).
Why is that?
China is too successful, too quickly!
Why and how do I write?
American democracy vs. Chinese communism
Chinese communism will prevail over American democracy, most likely!
Democracy prevailed over communism, really?
Apparently, democracy did prevail over communism, but actually, when one looks deeper, it did not!
Longevity: American Democracy vs. Soviet Communism
Can American democracy exceed Soviet communism in longevity?
Yes, it can!
But will it?
I am not sure …
American democracy: what is it and what’s wrong with it?
In this post, I will clearly define what “American democracy” is and point out what’s wrong with it.
Is America no longer governable?
Three recent events have compelled me to declare that America is no longer governable. This is true unless it urgently pursues political reforms, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline). The alternative is to face a revolution!