World Agriculture Production and More: August 12, 2023

Once a month USDA issues two reports on World Agriculture Production. The primary statistical report is issued by the USDA Chief Economist and the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service issues a companion report with is not as extensive but contains maps and other information that is always very interesting. I do not publish this article every month since it is difficult to prepare but this is a time of the year when the information is very relevant and important in terms of:

A. How it might be impacted by Global Warming and

B. The impact on the World GeoPolitical situation.

I am publishing it tonight and I may add some commentary tomorrow.

People like maps and graphs so we will start with those provided by USDA. It does not provide a total picture of World Production but many of what I will provide I think is interesting. There are so many that we will provide them without additional commentary. I am providing all of the maps and graphics but here is the LINK to the report.  This will be followed by the summary from the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report which is called WASDE. Here is the LINK to that report.  It contains a lot more information but in table form with no maps and graphics.

Crop Report July 29, 2023 – Crop Condition has Stabilized and May be Improving Somewhat -Where did the Cattle go?

This article is based primarily on the July 25, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the July 17 to 23 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays and I was not able to publish my article which is based on that report until now. I have omitted a number of graphics but they are available in the full USDA Crop Bulletin and the link to that is at the end of the article.

It now seems more like an average crop but it has not gotten worse which is a relief and it seems that some of the crops are doing better.

There is a recent Executive Briefing focusing on Cattle and I have published it in its entirety but with a minimum of comments. I was curious as to why beef prices were so high at the food stores and I think the presentation explains at least one of the reasons for this.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

We begin with the National Agriculture Summary.  The Tables below the summary have additional data. The boxes with my comments may be incomplete so for crops of interest check the data out yourself to be sure.


Crop Report July 19, 2023 – Crop Condition has Stabilized and May be Improving Somewhat – I Need to do More Research on This.

This article is based primarily on the July 18, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the July 10 to 16 period of time while some meteorological data covers July 9 to 15 since the crop reports may really cover that period of time in practice. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays and I was not able to publish the report from last week. This week’s report drops some of the graphics I usually present and shows some other graphics that relate to a review of June. I do not think that my readership is that interested in a review of the growing conditions Worldwide in June so I am not presenting that information but it is available in the full USDA Crop Bulletin and the link to that is at the end of the article.  I will probably do a review of June weather for the U.S. in a separate article later this week.

It now seems more like an average crop but it has not gotten worse which is a relief and it seems that some of the crops are doing better. Both corn and soybeans had a very good start but the quality of the crop has been somewhat compromised by drought. Soybeans are doing a bit better than corn. The condition report seems to be a bit better for both crops. The weather outlooks are mostly favorable for most crops.

There is a recent Executive Briefing that would shed a lot more light on the situation. It is a bear to publish but I will see if I can provide the information for some of the key crops over the next two weeks.

I did not include a NASS report this week  I vary these reports to give readers information on different crops. Nothing appealed to me this week.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

We begin with the National Agriculture Summary.  The Tables below the summary have additional data. The boxes with my comments may be incomplete so for crops of interest check the data out yourself to be sure.

Crop Report July 8. 2023 – Crop Condition Stabilizes.

Now Final.  Sorry for the delay. It was 90% complete when published last night but I wanted to take the time to adjust the commentary and swap out two graphics.

This article is based primarily on the July 5, 2023, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the June 25 to July 2 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays but due to the Fourth of July Holiday, it was published on Wednesday. For some reason, I forgot to publish my article Wednesday night and I remembered to do that on Friday

It now seems more like an average crop but it has not gotten worse which is a relief. Both corn and soybeans had a very good start but the quality of the crop has been somewhat compromised by drought. Soybeans are doing a bit better than corn. The condition report was about the same this week which is good given the weather. The weather outlooks are mostly favorable.

We also include the recent report on peanut prices. I vary these reports to give readers information on different crops.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

We begin with the National Agriculture Summary.  The Tables below the summary have additional data. The boxes with my comments may be incomplete so for crops of interest check the data out yourself to be sure.

Weekly Crop Report June 29, 2023

This article is based primarily on the June 27, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the June 19 to June 25 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays but due to a personal problem, I was not able to publish it until Wednesday night.

It now seems more like an average crop.  Both corn and soybeans had a very good start but the quality of the crop has been somewhat compromised by drought. Soybeans are doing a bit better than corn. The condition report is a bit worse this week. The weather was not that bad but key crops did not recover from a long period of inadequate precipitation.

We also include the recent report on cattle on feed. I vary these reports to give readers information on different crops.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

We begin with the National Agriculture Summary.  The Tables below the summary have additional data. The boxes with my comments may be incomplete so for crops of interest check the data out yourself to be sure.

Weekly Crop Report June 22, 2023 – Drought has Become a Problem for Certain Crops.

This article is based primarily on the June 21, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the June 12 to June 18 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays but due to a Federal Holiday, it was issued on Wednesday.

It now seems more like an average crop.  Both corn and soybeans had a very good start but the quality of the crop has been somewhat compromised by drought. Soybeans are doing a bit better than corn.

We also include the recent report on potato inventories. I vary these reports to give readers information on different crops.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

We begin with the National Agriculture Summary.  The Tables below the summary have additional data. The boxes with my comments may be incomplete so for crops of interest check the data out yourself to be sure.

June World Agriculture Production Report – June 2023

Yes USDA monitors overseas crops as well as U.S. crops. This is done by the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service. I am reporting on this month’s report which just came out. It covers mostly May but it addresses the dam breach in Ukraine.

Some may find this information useful. Others will find it interesting. It is interesting to me that cool temperatures right now are more of a problem than warm temperatures. That is an interesting topic with respect to the impact of Global Warming. Many crops benefit from warm temperatures and sunshine to a point.   When that point is reached it becomes a problem. Stormy weather is usually bad for plants and predictable weather is an advantage.

There is a lot of information in this report but you have to look for it. The World is a very large place to be reporting on in a single article.

Weekly Crop Report, June 6, 2023 – Corn Wilting

This article is based primarily on the June 6, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the May 29 – June 4 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays.

Almost all crops are doing well. Soybeans, which is a major crop is doing very well. Corn has had to deal with a difficult drought situation but the weather is forecast to improve for much of the corn belt.

We also include the recent report on grain grindings.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

Weekly Crop Report June 2, 2023 – Almost all crops are doing well

This article is based primarily on the May 31, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the May 21 – 28  period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays but due to the Memorial Day Weekend it was not published until Wednesday and Wednesday night I published the end-of-month update of the June weather outlook (click HERE to read) so I am publishing the crop article tonight a day late.

Almost all crops are doing well. Corn and soybeans, which are two of the major crops,  are doing very well. We will see how they handle the drought anticipated in certain areas in June.

We also include the May 2023 report on the prices received and paid by farmers in April 2023.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

A Closer Examination of the Report of Record Wheat Crop Abandonment – May 26, 2023

Updated at 5:17 p.m. EDT Friday, May 26 to improve the summary at the end of the article.

USDA has announced record winter wheat crop abandonment. Is this really significant news?

At first, it perplexed me since the total production of winter wheat is expected to increase slightly.

In this article, we explain how you can have an increase in production with an increase in crop abandonment.