Top 10 American misconceptions about China
China-bashing sells in America. So, most, if not all, of American news stories about China are negative. Many are pure lies (The Real Reason Western Media Lies about China).
China-bashing sells in America. So, most, if not all, of American news stories about China are negative. Many are pure lies (The Real Reason Western Media Lies about China).
America is a very confused country filled with such loaded slogans as “All men are created equal,” “We the People,” and “Toward a more perfect union.”
Why is that?
Read Brainwashing and America.
As an Independent, I vote for (or against) a person regardless of his/her party affiliation. Here is my record over the past three Presidential elections (Yes, the “lesser of 2 evils”):
Congratulations to Donald Trump on his impressive win in the 2024 election!
In this post, I will openly advise President Trump on how to act in this real world of Three New Kingdoms.
Ronald Reagan was a good President, but not a great one. The right has overrated him. With another critical Presidential election imminent, let me correctly assess his 8-year Presidency in terms of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
President Clinton left office in January 2001 but has maintained great influence over the Democratic Party since then. With another critical Presidential election imminent, let me correctly assess his 8-year Presidency, highlighted as follows:
President George W. Bush left office in 2009 and has been staying low since then for some good reasons. With another critical Presidential election imminent, let me correctly assess his 8-year Presidency, highlighted as follows:
Now, let me break it down into the good, the bad, and the ugly …
President Obama left office in January 2017 but has maintained significant influence over the Democratic Party since then. With another critical Presidential election imminent, let me correctly assess his 8-year Presidency, highlighted as follows:
Now, let me break it down into the good, the bad, and the ugly …
The American Revolution was a bourgeois revolution (i.e., by/of/for the rich). As a result of its success, America was born with two distinctive birth defects: