Fusion: The evil MIC and the ugly culture of war
In two previous posts, I discussed America’s evil MIC (America’s evil MIC) and the ugly culture of war (America’s ugly culture of war), respectively. In this post, I will combine them.
In two previous posts, I discussed America’s evil MIC (America’s evil MIC) and the ugly culture of war (America’s ugly culture of war), respectively. In this post, I will combine them.
There is an ugly culture of war in America. It has been with America throughout its history (Jimmy Carter: US ‘Most Warlike Nation in History of the World’) and it is becoming uglier and uglier over time!
America’s MIC (Military-Industrial Complex) is the #1 existential threat not only to America but also to the world. So, it is time to dismantle it!
America is deeply in trouble, both at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says) and abroad (U.S. Suffers Greatest Global Decline in Trust).
Why is that?
America is a plutocracy and finally collapsing!
The American Revolution was a bourgeois revolution (i.e., by/of/for the rich). As a result of its success, America was born as a plutocracy (aka “republic by/of/for the rich”), with two distinctive birth defects:
Five recent events (listed below) have compelled me to declare that America is no longer governable, unless it pursues political reforms as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline). The alternative is to face a revolution!
America is a very confused country filled with such shallow, loaded, and bankrupting slogans as “All men are created equal,” “We the People,” and “Toward a more perfect union,” thanks to the thorough brainwashing throughout its entire history!
Yesterday marked the 3-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. All signs indicate that there will be a ceasefire soon, thanks to President Trump’s leadership (Trump says he spoke to Putin about ending the war in Ukraine)!
What is “toward a more perfect union?”
Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia – Toward a more perfect union.