Top 10 American misconceptions about America

Top 10 American misconceptions about America

America is a very confused country filled with such shallow, loaded, and bankrupting slogans as “All men are created equal,” “We the People,” and “Toward a more perfect union,” thanks to the thorough brainwashing throughout its entire history!

For more, read Brainwashing and America.

Misconception 1: The American Revolution was about freedom

The American Revolution was not about freedom (or liberty) per se! Instead, it was chiefly instigated by a bunch of rich colonists (e.g., Samuel Adams and John Hancock), who simply did not want to pay [more] taxes. Additionally, they wanted the possibility of expanding [British] colonialism beyond the original 13 colonies without Britain.

They got both after the revolution! Two highlights:

  • A plutocracy (aka “a republic by/of/for the rich”) was born, which made the rich even richer in various ways, such as gravely exacerbated slave trading.
  • America hugely and brutally expanded geographically, essentially all at the expenses of the native Americans (e.g., Trail of Tears).

In short, by freedom, they meant freedom for themselves and for themselves alone, including the freedom for more slavery, more conquest, and more killing!

For more, read What is the American Revolution, anyway?

Misconception 2: “All men are created equal”

This big slogan from the Declaration of Independence was very powerful and useful against the British King at the time. But it is false—then, now, and forever.

For more, read: Not all men are created equal!

Misconception 3: “We the People”

The U.S. Constitution begins with “We the People. ” This refers to everybody except minorities, women, and even white men without [enough] property.

It is a lie, as well as a bankrupting slogan!

For more, read “We the People” without them!

Misconception 4: Thomas Jefferson was a great Founding Father

He is the real reason America is so profoundly in trouble today! Two highlights:

  • He set out America on the wrong footing (a la “that government is best which governs least”), with little focus on governance. Governance is everything for a country built to last.
  • He set out America on a wrong path (a la “all men are created equal”), leading America to its single-minded pursuit of voting rights over the past 200 years, without meritocracy. Meritocracy is key to a country built to last.

For more, read Critically Assessing Thomas Jefferson.

Misconception 5: Democracy is the best form of government

Read the image below!

For more, read Western liberal democracy is a lie!

Misconception 6: America has peaceful power transfer

Yes, in form only (after you forget about January 6, 2021), but not in content—The U-turn in policy has been the “norm” this century, highlighted by the image below.

The image below highlights a recent example.

For “SSSS,” read What It Means When You Have “SSSS” on Your Boarding Pass.

The image below highlights another recent example.

Misconception 7: George W. Bush was an Okay President

He is the world’s #1 war criminal this century (Desmond Tutu calls for Blair and Bush to be tried over Iraq)!

For more, read Correctly Assessing President George W. Bush.

Misconception 8: Our military fights for the country!

No, not after WWII. Since then, it has been fighting for the MIC, not for the country!

Bottom line: America must dismantle both the evil MIC and the ugly culture of war. For more, read America’s evil MIC.

Misconception 9: “Toward a more perfect union”

This is an often-used excuse for America’s “imperfections.” America can never be made perfect enough for all the people, unless the foundation is fixed!

For more, read American “toward a more perfect union” is a lie!

Misconception 10: America is the greatest country in the world

This claim is not only presumptuous but also ignorant!

Note, if Trump is replaced with Biden, the number could easily double to 82%!



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