The American idea is a lie!

The American idea is a lie!

I came to America in 1985, believing in the “American idea” because it sounded fascinating. However, shortly after realizing my American dream in 2005 (My American Dream Story), I started doubting it. Now, I have concluded that the American idea is a lie.

1. What is the American idea, anyway?

Below is an excerpt from Is the American Idea Doomed?

2. Why is it a lie?

Look at its three elements one by one:

Now, look at its prerequisite: Securing them required “a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”

It is just impossible for America—The image below highlights what America has been throughout its entire life so far.

Here is an often-used excuse: “to make the union more perfect over time.”

The union can never be made perfect enough for the people because the foundation is totally flawed! To correct the foundation, America needs serious political reforms or a [proletarian] revolution!

3. Idea vs. lie

When an idea is too remote, it often becomes a lie (e.g., communism). However, the American idea is one of the worst kinds: It was a lie from the start! Two main arguments:

In short, the American idea is a lie, and America, as the last big colonial power standing, is doomed. For more, read Colonial America 1776-2040?

4. How was America founded?

Via the American Revolution!

But what was the real reason behind the revolution?

“Greed” on the part of many [rich] colonists! Specifically, they wanted not only to keep more to themselves (instead of paying [more] taxes), but also the possibility of expanding America beyond the original 13 colonies against Royal Proclamation of 1763.

The American Revolution ensued, and the colonists won. Thus, a “republic” was born by accident—it was neither a reason nor a goal throughout the revolution!

For more, read What is the American Revolution, anyway?

5. America was born as a plutocracy, not republic!

America claims to be born as a republic.

A republic, by definition, is socialistic, as the government is for the public. America is no exception—It has been socialistic from the start. Unfortunately, the word “public” meant “rich” at the time. For example, American slavery is one of the worst forms of socialism: socialism that supports capitalism with free labor!

In other words, America was born as a “republic” by/of/for the rich, with money behind everything, from politics to justice. That is not a republic but a plutocracy!

In short, America was born as a republic in form (i.e., non-monarchy) but a plutocracy in content!

For more, read America is a plutocracy!

6. America’s evolution from 1783 to 2025

At the end of the American Revolution in 1783, America inherited two big issues from Britain: slavery and gun ownership.

Additionally, America created a new big issue for itself as a result of the American Revolution: 13 colonies became even more fiercely independent after deposing the British King, demanding a weak Federal government in the name of self-governing.

How have these three big issues evolved from 1783 to 2025?

6.1 Three big issues in 1801

Two of the three big issues became much worse by 1801 as follows:

  • Slavery: Slave trading was gravely exacerbated after 1783 because of the huge desire for more free labor, thanks to the surge in cotton (vs. tobacco) production.
  • Weak Federal government: It was permanently sealed for America after Thomas Jefferson won the 1800 election.

For more, read Why is America Jeffersonian?

6.2 Three big issues in 2025

To briefly highlight each …

6.2.1 Slavery

America seriously addressed this issue with a Civil War, but has not resolved it to date.

6.2.2 Gun ownership

It has become a major means (if not the source) of violence, “black” (43 shot, 5 fatally, in Chicago this weekend) and “white” (White supremacists remain deadliest US terror threat, Homeland Security report says). As a result, it may require another civil war to address this issue seriously.

For more, read America: Guns vs. Slavery.

6.2.3 Weak Federal government

The Federal government not only remains weak, but also is corrupted to the core—Moneyed interests firmly control it. Two prominent examples:

6.3 Summary

All three issues are big, with the weak Federal government being the biggest because a strong and effective Federal government is needed to address the other two.

7. 2025: America remains a plutocracy!

Despite all the considerable progress made over the past 230 years, from the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, America remains essentially unchanged: The American government remains a plutocracy, with moneyed interests behind everything (How Money Shapes Pathways to Power in Congress).

Worse yet, most recent American Presidents are war criminals!


8. Discussion

Okay, America has remained essentially unchanged over the past 230 years. Does that explain why it is so deeply in trouble today?

No, not completely …

Profoundly, here is why America is so deeply in trouble:

  • America started on the wrong footing at its inception.
  • America was set out on a wrong path at its inception.

To briefly elaborate on each …

8.1 America started on the wrong footing at its inception

The image below highlights the main reason.

Largely because of it, America has focused little on governance over the past 230 years, which is essential for a country built to last. This should be obvious if you know anything about Confucius.

8.2 America was set out on a wrong path at its inception

The image below highlights the main reason.

Largely because of it, America has, over the past 230 years, been single-mindedly pursuing voting rights without meritocracy, which is key for a country built to last. This, too, should be obvious if you know anything about Confucius.

9. More discussion

Two basic questions:

  • What is wrong with America’s pursuit of voting rights?
  • What about the vast prosperity in America?

To briefly answer each …

9.1 What is wrong with America’s pursuit of voting rights?

Significant progress has indeed been made on voting rights over the past 230 years, but mostly in the wrong direction. The image below offers one perspective.

The image below is simply reasoning …

For more, read American democracy: what is it and what’s wrong with it?

9.2 What about the huge prosperity in America?

America has indeed created immense prosperity unprecedented in history. Three main reasons:

  • Unfettered capitalism and rugged individualism, on top of socialism for the rich.
  • America was born as a new colonial power, enriching itself by plundering. For more, read The Monroe Doctrine at age 200.
  • Abundance of natural resources.

Unfortunately, America has had two systems throughout its history: one for the rich and the other for the poor.

For the economy, read the image below.

For justice, read the image below.

Finally, an open secret …

10. What is today’s America, anyway?

Three perspectives:

  • America is a great country without a working government.
  • America is an empire without an emperor.
  • America is an empire of lies.

To briefly elaborate on each …

10.1 America is a great country without a working government

The image below highlights America’s epic failure in essential governance.

The image below is simply reasoning.

10.2 America is an empire without an emperor

It is held together by a tried-and-failed ideology called “democracy!”

Unfortunately, democracy is a proven failure throughout history …

10.3 America is an empire of lies

In addition to the two biggest American lies (i.e., “All men are created equal” and “We the People”), below is a list of big American lies:

  • American “globalism” is a lie!
  • American “free market” is a lie!
  • American “free trade” is a lie!
  • American “law & order” is a lie!
  • American “human rights” is a lie!
  • American “toward a more perfect union” is a lie!
  • Western [liberal] democracy is a lie!

Here is one thing great about America: freedom of speech.

So, let us use it to save America!

11. Why are you so critical of America?

I want to save it with my pen (or keyboard, to be more precise)! For more, read My American Dream Story.

More profoundly, 200 years may be a long time for most Americans, but not for this Chinese American, who was cultured with the Chinese long-view of everything.

Bottom line: America has been Jeffersonian so far, but Jeffersonian America has run its course.

Specifically, saying democracy worked in America in the 1990s is like saying communism worked in the USSR in the 1950s – Both were passing fads!

For more, read Has Jeffersonian America Run Its Course?

12. Summary

The American idea is a big lie for one reason: America simply does not meet its prerequisite: Securing them required “a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”

After all, what do you expect from colonial America, which, after descending from colonial Britain, simply exacerbated colonialism with more brutality and ruthlessness?

And it has been getting worse and worse over time …

Three big questions:

  • Why is America so deeply in trouble at home?
  • Why is America so profoundly in trouble abroad?
  • Why is America a threat to mankind?

To briefly answer them one by one.

12.1 Why is America so deeply in trouble at home?

The two images below highlight what is fundamentally wrong with America at home.

12.2 Why is America so profoundly in trouble abroad?

The two images below highlight what is fundamentally wrong with America abroad.

12.3 Why is America a threat to mankind?

Read the two images below.

Two informative readings:

13. Closing

Okay, the American idea is a lie.

What, then, is the solution for America?

Reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the short video below.


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