America’s MIC (Military-Industrial Complex) is the #1 existential threat not only to America but also to the world. So, it is time to dismantle it!
1. What is the MIC?
Read Wikipedia – Military-Industrial Complex.
For more, watch the video below:
2. Why is the MIC evil?
Four perspectives:
- The MIC has corrupted the American government to the core!
- The MIC destroys America economically!
- The MIC destroys America morally!
- The MIC may destroy the world!
To briefly elaborate on each …
2.1 The MIC has corrupted the American government to the core!
For more, watch the video below:
2.2 The MIC destroys America economically!
The MIC spends too much – See image below.
The MIC wastes too much.
2.3 The MIC destroys America morally!
Below is one example (Desmond Tutu calls for Blair and Bush to be tried over Iraq).
The image below offers another perspective.
2.4 The MIC may destroy the world!
Two informative readings:
3. Where did the MIC come from?
Three things to blame:
- Communism
- Terrorism.
To briefly elaborate on each …
3.1 Blame WWII
WWII brought one huge corollary benefit to America: America became an economic monopoly – Its competitors either destroyed themselves through the war (e.g., Germany and Japan) or doomed themselves after the war by adopting (or continuing) a flawed system called “communism” (e.g., China and the USSR). As the “last man standing,” America made and invented virtually everything, while naming its own prices. This not only finally ended the Great Depression, but also created unprecedented prosperity in America throughout the second half of the 20th century.
In short, WWII turned out to be very good for America, overall!
Unfortunately, WWII also brought one huge problem to America: America ended up with a monstrous MIC.
In America, many new programs, from laws to government functions (e.g., the MIC), can be created for some reasons, but few ever end for one simple reason: not to offend the special interest groups behind them.
So, not only must the MIC be kept going after WWII, it must also grow whenever possible. The only challenge has been to identify some enemies: Communism was a high visibility target then, just as terrorism is now.
3.2 Blame communism
Here is my version of several post-WWII wars America was involved, based on my readings in both the East and the West over the years.
3.2.1 The Korean War
Kim Il-sung was very inspired by Mao’s success in China and wanted the same for himself: the entire Korea united under him. So, despite the strong opposition of both China and the USSR, he invaded the South in 1950, resulting in America’s involvement.
Although America did not provoke it, the Korean War helped the MIC grow unchecked, requiring new victims to perpetuate its growth: Vietnam was the next opportunity.
3.2.2 The Vietnam War
Ho Chi Minh fought hard against the Japanese and the French, and was on the way to a total victory in Vietnam. But that was unacceptable to America, who not only helped decisively create the opposition, but also massively supported it. I believe America engineered the Vietnam War, with massive escalations in the 1960s.
The Vietnam War ended in 1975, with America’s “total retreat” in humiliation.
3.2.3 The wars in the 1980s
There were several small wars in the 1980s (e.g., Nicaraguan Contras). Most of them were engineered by America, thanks to the MIC! For more, watch this video:
3.2.4 The Cold War
The Cold War ended in 1991, with the disintegration of the USSR. However, instead of making the world a more peaceful place afterward, America made it much worse by being the major source of instability all over the world, especially in the Middle East, which largely, if not decisively, prompted the 9/11 attack!
3.3 Blame terrorism!
The 9/11 attack gave the MIC a big new opportunity, which was seized without hesitation. As a result, America launched two wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq, respectively.
Now, read the image below and think!
4. The war in Ukraine
After the war in Afghanistan ended in 2021 (America’s Longest War: A Visual History of 20 Year in Afghanistan), America’s arms industry was on life support. Then, the war in Ukraine broke out—Another long-engineered project by the MIC finally came to fruition: a proxy-war against Russia, fought with American weapons!
In short, the Biden regime knew the war was coming, but chose not to prevent it from breaking out for one main reason: selling weapons was more important than peace!
Good news: President Trump is trying to end the war from a correct perspective (The war in Ukraine: three years on).
5. American Presidents and the MIC
With JFK being an exception, no President since Eisenhower has even attempted to contain the MIC. On the contrary, they all strongly supported it. As a result, the MIC has become so big and so out-of-control now that it is the #1 existential threat not only to America, but also to the world. President Trump (47) may be an exception, too.
6. The U.S. military from WWII to today
The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.
7. Government officials’ ties with the MIC?
8. The damage done by the MIC to the veterans?
Two informative readings:
- Wikipedia – United States military veteran suicide.
- The U.S. General Who Called Himself a War Criminal.
9. Profound reasoning
The reason behind the MIC is profound, traceable back to the founding days. The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.
America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!
10. Closing
The MIC is so evil that it must be dismantled, or it will destroy America as well as the world.
Enjoy the video below: