America is deeply in trouble, both at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says) and abroad (U.S. Suffers Greatest Global Decline in Trust).
Why is that?
America is a plutocracy and finally collapsing!
1. What is “plutocracy”?
Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia – Plutocracy:
2. Is America a plutocracy?
Yes, America is a plutocracy. The image below offers one perspective.
The image below offers a recent example.
3. Why is America a plutocracy?
America was born as a plutocracy (What is the American Revolution, anyway?), and remains so today, despite all the considerable progress made over the past 200 years.
4. Discussion
Three big questions:
- Is America a republic?
- Is America a democracy?
- How does America compare with China?
To briefly answer them one by one …
4.1 Is America a republic?
No, it is not!
Simply put, two key criteria for a republic:
- Form: A republic is not a monarchy. Yes, America is a republic in form.
- Content: In a republic, everything important (e.g., education and healthcare) is for the “public” (vs. “private” or the “rich”). No, America is not a republic in content!
In other words, America is a republic in form, but a plutocracy in content!
In short, America is not a republic, or America is a fake republic!
4.2 Is America a democracy?
Yes, it is!
Unfortunately, democracy is a proven failure throughout history without a single example of lasting success (e.g., 200 years). America is proving to be no exception.
4.3 How does America compare with China?
Below is an excerpt from “Can China ever be as good as the U.S.?”
The U.S. is not good. It is a very immoral nation. Examples:
- It wages countless wars and causes massive death and destruction everywhere.
- It illegally sanctions dozens of countries and causes untold human suffering.
- It overthrows foreign governments, including democratically elected ones!
- It does not respect other nations’ sovereignty.
- It aids and abets Israel’s massacre of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
- It funds foreign wars and neglects its own citizens (homelessness, unaffordable health care, declining life expectancy, declining education, crumbling infrastructure, gun violence, etc.).
- It refuses peace negotiations in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Israel-Palestine conflict.
- It no longer has a functioning democracy. The U.S. is essentially a plutocracy.
China is already better than the U.S. by every metric. Examples:
- Its people are well-taken care of.
- Its government is well-supported.
- Chinese society is solid and stable.
- China is a peaceful nation. It has fought no wars since 1979.
- China respects all nations and their sovereignty.
- China brokered peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and is trying to do the same in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Israel-Palestine conflict.
- China helps other countries build their infrastructure and economy.
I agree with all the points above!
5. Exception?
Everything has an exception. Hopefully America is having one as well.
6. Closing
America is a plutocracy!
America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!