The Trump phenomenon explained

The Trump phenomenon explained

Here is the highlight of the Trump phenomenon:

  • 2016: He was elected the American President.
  • 2020: He lost his re-election bid to Joe Biden.
  • 2024: He has a good chance to beat President Biden, despite having been indicted multiple times in both the State (GA) and Federal courts.

1. What is really behind the Trump phenomenon?

The establishment has failed!

2. What is the establishment, anyway?

Below is an excerpt from  Wikipedia – The Establishment:

In the United States, the term the establishment typically refers to the two-party political system, in which the Republican Party and the Democratic Party usually are perceived as alike in their anti-labour policies, pro-federal policy, and defense of corporate interests. The usage refers to the original coinage of the term the Establishment in 1955, referring to the intricate matrix of power and connections among corporations, politicians, government agencies, and some social groups.

The image below offers a simple summary.

3. How has the establishment failed?

The establishment has failed both at home and abroad. Let me highlight each …

3.1 The establishment has failed at home!

Watch the video below.

3.2 The establishment has failed abroad!

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

Specifically, the world’s top-2 war criminals this century are as follows (in this order):

  • George W. Bush (Iraq).
  • Barack Obama (Libya and Syria).

3.3 Home and abroad are related!

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

4. President Trump

Donald Trump is a crook, lying at will, all the time! However, below are two salient points that distinguish him from his peers:

  • He has been the only American President truly elected by the people (vs. the establishment) since Andrew Jackson.
  • He initiated no new shooting war throughout his Presidency, which is remarkable for an American President, thanks to America’s evil MIC!

For more, read Correctly assessing President Trump.

Change is hard, especially when it was led by a pathological liar like Donald Trump. So, in 2020 Americans chose to settle back to the establishment for some normalcy …

5. The establishment continues to fail!

Joe Biden has represented the establishment throughout his 50-year-long career. Now, add President Biden as the world’s #3 war criminal this century (Ukraine – The war in Ukraine: one year on)!

The image below offers another perspective.

Thanks to President Biden’s incompetency, Donald Trump has a good chance to beat him in 2024 (Polls 2024), despite having been indicted multiple times in both the State (GA) and Federal courts!

6. The American nightmare in 2024?

Most Americans don’t want a Biden-Trump rematch in 2024. Yet, it is unlikely to change.

Why is that?

It is the political system, stupid!

7. Discussion

Donald Trump is merely a symptom of America’s ill, not the root cause.

What, then, is the root cause?

The two-party system by design, highlighted in the image below!

The image below offers another perspective.

Three informative readings:

8. More discussion

Donald Trump, as the President, had a chance to reform the establishment but failed. He does not deserve a second chance.

President Biden does not deserve a second term at all, as he is a part of the establishment!

So, for the 2024 election, anybody but Donald Trump or Joe Biden – Let us try out another outsider, hopefully!

9. Closing

The essence behind the Trump phenomenon is the failure of America’s establishment!

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution at home (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!


    • Frank (Optional) Li

      So American, so selfish! It’s not about me. It’s about giving back to America by saving it with my pen!!!

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