“We the People” without them!

“We the People” without them!

“We the People,” so begins the U.S. Constitution – It was a powerful slogan for a new nation founded with neither a king nor a pope.

Unfortunately, it was a lie – It was a lie in 1789, and it remains a lie today!

Since “We the People” has its root in “all men are created equal,” let us start in 1776 …

1. Starting in 1776

The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

For more, read Not all men are created equal!

2. America in 1789

The image below highlights the reality behind “We the People” all along!

Two notes:

  • America was founded by/of/for the rich, with money behind everything, especially in politics. For more, read What is the American Revolution, anyway (V3)?
  • “We the People” in 1789 referred to everybody, except for the minorities, women, and even white men without [enough] property. As a result, only 6% of the American population was eligible to vote in 1789 (U.S. voting rights timeline).

3. America in 1829: “We the People” without them!

Here, “them” refers to the American natives, highlighted by the image below.

For more, read Wikipedia – Trail of Tears.

4. America in 2023

Despite all the considerable progress made over the past 200 years, from the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, America remains essentially unchanged: Today, America is still by/of/for the rich, with money behind everything, especially in politics!


Specifically, over the past few decades, the worst moneyed interest group in America has been the MIC (Military-Industrial Complex). It has reduced the American government to a clown with two primary functions:

  • Making weapons at home.
  • Selling them abroad.

In other words, “We the People” without them, again!

5. America in 2023: “We the People” without them!

Here, “them” refers to some unfavorable foreigners like the Iranians, Russians, and Chinese. Let me highlight each …

5.1 Iran

Iran has no right for self-defense!

5.2 Russia

Russia has no right to have its own security concerns!

For more, read The war in Ukraine: one year on.

5.3 China

China has no right to be prosperous!

For more, read Imagine If China Did To The US What The US Is Doing To China.

6. Discussion

Throughout American history, there have been only two American Presidents who were truly elected by “We the People” (vs. moneyed interests behind the establishment): Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump!

For Andrew Jackson, go back to Section 4 (America in 1829: “We the People” without them!).

For Donald Trump, the image below highlights how his Presidency ended in 2021.

Read more: Correctly assessing President Trump.

7. America: reality checks

Four examples …

7.1 Reality check #1

For more, read Brainwashing and America.

7.2 Reality check #2

For more, read Western liberal democracy is a lie!

7.3 Reality check #3

For more, read Will America lie all the way into WW III?

7.4 Reality check #4

For more, read America is a lie!

8. More discussion

Rome was not built in one day, nor did it go down in one day!

America today resembles ancient Rome in many ways.  See one example below.

For more similarities between America and ancient Rome, read America: What did the Founding Fathers do, actually?

9. Still more discussion

America, it is the political system, stupid!


Three informative readings:

The key to a country built to last is meritocracy, not some simple but bankrupting slogans like “All men are created equal” or “We the People.”

The image below highlights a key difference between America and China in terms of the leadership.

The image below highlights the key difference between China and America in terms of governing.

For more, read History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline.

10. Closing

“We the People” is nothing but a bankrupting slogan!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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