Western liberal democracy is a lie!

Western liberal democracy is a lie!

In the 1990s, Western [liberal] democracy was hailed as possibly the permanent winner of human evolution (The End of History?).

What a joke (“The end of history,” really?)!

Moreover, it is time to clearly recognize Western [liberal] democracy as a lie! Two main reasons:

  • It was built on top of colonialism and imperialism, without which it has all but failed everywhere else around the globe (e.g., Iraq and Egypt)!
  • With China’s comeback, Western democracy looks worse and worse over time. It is time to denounce it even as a valid form of government!

First thing first …

1. What is democracy, anyway?

The image below highlights what democracy truly is.

For more, read Wikipedia – Democracy.

2. History of democracy

Democracy is a proven failure throughout history without a single example of lasting success (e.g., 200 years).

For more, read The Truth about Tytler.

3. What is Western [liberal] democracy?

It has two elements: The West and democracy. Let me highlight them one by one.

3.1 What is the West?

The fortune of the West, especially when compared with China, came after 1492, when Columbus discovered the “new” world, which ultimately made the West excessively rich, but the rest of the world excessively poor, thanks to Western colonialism and imperialism. Specifically, this has resulted in two of the biggest lies in human history:

  • America is an exceptional country, featuring, among other things, two “new” notions: freedom and self-governing. Neither was new, as both predate the notion of a nation-state formed quite a few thousand years ago.
  • Democracy is a, if not the only, valid form of government.

3.2 What is Western democracy?

Represented by America, Western democracy is essentially the same as the ancient Greek democracy.

More profoundly, today’s American democracy is worse than that of the founding days, as highlighted by the image below.

For more, read American democracy: what is it and what’s wrong with it?

Even more profoundly, the image below highlights its faulty foundation.

So, it is doomed, thanks to the demise of colonialism and imperialism!

For more, read Colonial America 1776-2030?

3.3 Summary

Both lies are now exposed as China is back, with a real model of prosperity without colonialism or imperialism!

4. What is Western [liberal] democracy, anyway?

Below an excerpt from Wikipedia – Liberal democracy.

Liberal democracy is the combination of a liberal political ideology that operates under a representative democratic form of government. It is characterized by elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, a market economy with private property, and the equal protection of human rightscivil rightscivil liberties and political freedoms for all people. To define the system in practice, liberal democracies often draw upon a constitution, either codified (such as in the United States)[1] or uncodified (such as in the United Kingdom), to delineate the powers of government and enshrine the social contract. After a period of expansion in the second half of the 20th century, liberal democracy became a prevalent political system in the world.[2]

Let us examine it from five perspectives as follows:

Let me briefly elaborate on each …

4.1 A form of government

Despite many endemic problems, China’s system (i.e., capitalism + autocracy) appears to be slightly better than America’s (i.e., capitalism + democracy).

The image below highlights an essential difference between America and China today.

For more, read Toward an ideal form of government.

4.2 A market economy

Mixing a planned economy with a “free market” economy, China’s hybrid model is better than America’s. The image below offers one example.

For more, read American “free market” is a lie.

4.3 Human rights

Despite many problems, China is, overall, way ahead of America on “human rights,” particularly in terms of public safety (It’s guns, stupid!) and poverty reduction (Lifting 800 Million People Out of -Poverty – New Report Looks at Lessons from China’s experience vs. American poverty in three charts).

For more, read American “human rights” is a lie.

4.4 A constitution

The U.S. Constitution may look good on paper, but China is way ahead of America in governance. For more, read Is America no longer governable?

More profoundly, read What is the U.S. Constitution, anyway?

4.5 Elections

There are only elections in America, with little governing.

For more, read Voting is overrated!

5. Discussion

In a previous post (America is a lie!), I called out America as a lie. In this post, I call out Western [liberal] democracy as a lie.

Specifically, the image below highlights the foundation for Western [liberal] democracy. Now, take away two legs of colonialism and imperialism and see how well it can stand!

Why, then, is Western [liberal] democracy religiously believed and defended in America?

Thanks to brainwashing throughout America’s entire history!

For more, read Brainwashing and America.

6. Reality check

Six examples …

6.1 Reality check #1

6.2 Reality check #2

6.3 Reality check #3

6.4 Reality check #4

6.5 Reality check #5

6.6 Reality check #6

Homelessness and chaos in Philadelphia – Watch the video below.

7. More discussion

America must be saved, first and foremost from American democracy (aka “Western liberal democracy”), which cannot be saved!

What, then, is the alternative to Western [liberal] democracy?

Autocracy represented by China – China provides a real model of prosperity, without colonialism or imperialism!

For more, read History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline.

8. Closing

Western [liberal] democracy is a lie!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


  1. Blair

    First of all, America is NOT a “Democracy”, liberal or otherwise. America is a Constitutional Republic. Read the Constitution and Learn The Difference!

    Secondly, to hold Communist China up as an example of anything other than God-less dictatorship, repression and slavery is simply willing blindness to the facts.

    Lastly, the thoughts, ideas and opinions expressed in this book are lies and trash.

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