America: Peace vs. Freedom

America: Peace vs. Freedom

Peace and freedom are two important things to mankind. But what is the essential relationship between them?

I argue that the most important thing for an individual is freedom, but peace is the most important thing for a community. For example, we sacrifice some forms of personal freedom (e.g., drinking & driving) for the betterment of the community (e.g., public safety).

Furthermore, I argue that America has oversold and overbought freedom but undervalued peace, both at home and abroad! This is one of the main reasons America not only is a failing state (Is America no longer governable?) but also may destroy us all as a species by inciting World War III (Will America lie all the way into WW III?)!

1. Freedom and America

First, I must emphasize that “freedom of speech,” or more broadly the First Amendment, is not only real but also better exercised in America than anywhere else around the globe.

Secondly, let me highlight three big American lies about freedom:

Finally, I must point out that the notion of “freedom” has been used by many Americans for selfish reasons. The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.

For more, read Is America no longer governable?

2. Peace and America

America is the most violent [vs. peaceful] country in the history of the world, as highlighted by the image below.

The video below is a must-watch.

Two more informative readings:

3. Peace vs. freedom in America

In terms of peace vs. freedom, something is fundamentally wrong in America, as highlighted by the image below.

For more, read Will America lie all the way into WW III?

4. Discussion

Simply put, America is the freest country on Earth, as well as the most violent (vs. peaceful) one!

What an imbalance, and what a contradiction!

Why is that?

Two informative readings:

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says)!

5. Closing

Both freedom and peace are huge subjects. This post has briefly highlighted them for America. Hopefully, you find it useful.

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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