Voting is overrated!

Voting is overrated!

The 2022 midterm election is over. Regardless of the final tally, here are two certainties for America:

  • The GOP will become the majority in the House, which means payback time for the Democrats, including the possibility of having President Biden impeached.
  • The American government will continue to be dysfunctional, and America will thus continue to decline, precipitously.

Why and how can America be so hopelessly in a rabbit hole?

Voting is overrated!

1. Why was Donald Trump elected President in 2016?

The system (aka “the establishment”) had failed so badly by 2016 that “We the People” simply did not know what to do, other than electing someone – anyone – very different to be the President: Donald Trump!

2. Why is Joe Biden the President now?

Unfortunately for America, President Trump did not work out. So, America chose to settle back to 2016 …

Equally, if not more, unfortunately for America, President Biden has been predictably failing, just like the system was before 2016. Now, many Americans are looking forward to the 2024 election …

3. Who should be the next President?

Read the image below …

4. It’s democracy, stupid!

Democracy is a proven failure throughout human history without a single example of lasting success (e.g., 200 years). America will prove to be no exception.

The image below highlights a reality in America.

Another perspective is shown below.

The image below offers yet another perspective.

Yes, they made history, but mostly wrong, because elections are simply not the way to select the leaders!

So, what is so wrong with democracy (i.e., electing leaders by voting)?

Below is Churchill’s quote #1.

For more, read American democracy: what is it and what’s wrong with it?

5. Discussion

Governance is hard.

Below is Churchill’s quote #2.

Obviously, some quotes are perpetual (e.g., Churchill’s quote #1 above), while others are temporary (e.g., Churchill’s quote #2 above).

Is Churchill’s quote #2 obsolete?


Why is that?


China has come out with a new form of government that has proven to be better than democracy, however slightly! Two informative readings:

In a 2-hiker world, all one hiker needs to do, when chased by a hungry grizzly, is to run a bit faster than the other hiker.

The image below highlights the key difference between China and America today.

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution – Read A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says.

6. Closing

It’s democracy, stupid – Voting is overrated!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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