American Revolution vs. French Revolution

American Revolution vs. French Revolution

In two previous posts, I described the French Revolution (What is the French Revolution, anyway?) and the American Revolution (What is the American Revolution, anyway (V2)?), respectively. In this post, I will compare them.

1. Before the revolutions

The French Revolution was a people’s revolution, arising out of extraordinary misery of life. In other words, the French Revolution was for the people (i.e., mostly poor) against the king.

In contrast, the American Revolution was for the rich. For example, before the American Revolution broke out, there was no extraordinary misery of life in America (other than the Natives and slaves, that is). Moreover, British taxation on its 13 colonies in America was much lower than that in Britain, let alone comparing it with France.

The French simply wanted to get rid of the king because he was just too evil.

In contrast, Americans wanted to get rid of the British King because he was not evil enough. For example, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 “closed off to the colonists everything west of the Appalachian Mountains, reserving that land for the natives”. But the colonists wanted the possibility of expanding British colonialism further in North America, without Britain!

Bottom line: The 13 “ungrateful” colonies rebelled out of “greed”!

2. Throughout the revolutions

The French people fought hard against the king, who not only had a strong army, but also was greatly assisted by many foreign kings, who feared the same fate if the revolution succeeded.

In contrast, Americans won the revolution relatively easily. Two main reasons:

  • It was treated as a “civil war” in Britain, without the British King going all-out.
  • It was a war of simple attrition – After the war was stretched to eight years, the British basically gave up.

3. After the revolutions

What happened to France after the French Revolution?

An emperor replaced the king!

What happened to America after the American Revolution?

A republic was born, only after George Washington refused to be named the [new] king!

However, the major difference between the two countries (i.e., an Emperor vs. a President) ended there.

Just like France, America waged wars against many of its neighbors.

Unlike France, which was ultimately defeated, America prevailed, colonializing the entire “continent” coast to coast, all the while contradicting its founding principles (e.g., “All men are created equal” and “We the People”) and causing untold damage to both the indigenous people and the black population …

4. Discussion

  • The French Revolution was for the people (mostly poor). It was the beginning of the end of absolute monarchies in Europe, replacing them with republics or constitutional monarchies. So, it was definitely a positive development in humanity.
  • The American Revolution was for the rich. After becoming a republic by accident, America brutally continued British colonization, without Britain. Overall, however, was it even a positive development in humanity like the French Revolution was? I am not sure – Look at the image below …

Bottom line: America may destroy us all as a species by provoking World War III. For more, read Colonial America 1776-2030?

5. More discussion

Read the image below and think …

For more, read Zhou Enlai on the Effects of the French Revolution: “Too Early to Say”.

6. Closing

It is time for the world to truly understand (1) both the American Revolution and the French Revolution and (2) the key differences between them. This post has helped, hopefully. For more, read History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline.


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