Longevity: American Democracy vs. Soviet Communism

Longevity: American Democracy vs. Soviet Communism

Can American democracy exceed Soviet communism in longevity?

Yes, it can!

But will it?

I am not sure …

1. What is Soviet communism?

Read Wikipedia – History of communism in the Soviet Union.

In short, the USSR lasted 74 years, from 1917 (Russian Revolution) to 1991, when the Cold War ended with the disintegration of the USSR.

2. What is American democracy?

Read American democracy: what is it and what’s wrong with it?

In short, counting from its real start in 1965 (Voting Rights Act of 1965), American democracy has to live beyond 2039 in order to outlast Soviet communism in longevity.

3. Nikita Khrushchev

Do you know anything about this photo?

It was Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev making a speech (“we will bury you”) at the U.N. on October 12, 1960. For more, watch the video below.

Of course, the USSR did not bury America. On the contrary, the U.S. “buried” the USSR, or more precisely, the USSR buried itself, in 1991.

4. Did the USSR have to bury itself?


Look at China: It has been hugely successful over the past four decades, with no end in sight, while its political system remains essentially communistic, just like the USSR’s. For more, read China’s state capitalism = communism + capitalism.

What, then, is the key difference between the USSR and China?

Mikhail Gorbachev vs. Deng Xiaoping!

The former will prove to be, if not already been recognized as, a traitor in Russia, while the latter should be regarded as the greatest peaceful transformational leader in history!

5. How long will American democracy last?

Not beyond 2039, most likely!

Two informative readings:

With colonial America ending in 2030, a time bomb will explode!

6. What is the time bomb?

Do you know anything about this photo?

It was taken during the JFK-Khrushchev summit in Vienna in June 1961 (Wikipedia-Vienna summit). As a result, they established an amicable personal relationship, which helped resolve the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

At that time, Mr. Khrushchev might have truly believed that the USSR could eventually bury America, but he certainly did not expect any help from JFK. What was surely beyond his wildest imagination was that JFK would actually do it for him by planting a time bomb on January 17, 1962!

7. Executive Order 10988

On January 17, 1962, President Kennedy signed Executive Order 10988, allowing public-sector workers to unionize, despite FDR’s explicit warning against it.

Here is an excerpt from FDR’s letter (FDR’s letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees Against Strikes in Federal Service):

“All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations.”

Bottom line: Who do you think public-sector workers are unionized against?

The people of the United States of America!

In other words, with Executive Order 10988, the servant became the master overnight, and the U.S. has been upside down ever since!

Why did JFK do it?

“Getting re-elected ad nauseam”, most likely, even if it meant destroying America ultimately!

As a matter of fact, Executive Order 10988 has been so devastating to America that it is obviously the root cause of many of our biggest problems today. As America fails, city by city and state by state, due to unaffordable wages, perks, and pensions for public-sector workers, the blame should rightfully be attributed to JFK!

The question is not if, but when: When will America, as a country, finally realize the magnitude of the damage caused by JFK and take some corrective actions to reverse it?

The sooner, the better!

Way before 2030, hopefully!

Why 2030?

That’s when colonial America will end (Colonial America 1776-2030?), with the U.S. Dollar losing its prime status as the world’s reserve currency – America will no longer be able to print money, as it has been doing over the past few decades, with the rest of the world chiefly bearing its consequences.

How ironic is this?

Neither Khrushchev nor communism would bury America, but President Kennedy might have actually done it by planting a time bomb on January 17, 1962!

8. Discussion

There are many big problems in America. Two examples:

  • The Military-Industrial Complex: Many Americans are aware of it as a big problem (America’s Evil Military Industrial Complex).
  • Public-sector unions: Most Americans are not even aware of the huge problem behind them. With this post, you do now, right?

More profoundly, America was founded by/of/for the super-rich (i.e., top 1%), and remains so today. Public-sector unions do help make a huge middle class but in a wrong way!

Bottom line: America has been so poorly governed throughout its entire life so far that it is payback time, finally (Is America no longer governable?)!

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline), or face a bloody revolution (A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against the government, poll says)!

9. Closing

American democracy may not outlast Soviet communism in longevity!


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