Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Karl Marx is arguably the greatest economist in the 19th century, if not of all time!

1. Who is Karl Marx?

Read Wikipedia – Karl Marx.

For more, watch the video at the end of this post.

2. Marx’s two famous books

Below are Karl Marx’s two famous books.

3. Discussion

Two notes about Marx’s two books:

  • “The Manifesto” is merely a pamphlet, while “Capital” is a 3-volume book.
  • The former was published more than two decades before the latter.

Still wondering how and why Marx did a much better job on capitalism than on communism?

Wonder not – He not only was much older and wiser when he wrote “Capital”, but also spent much more effort on it.

4. More discussion

Below is an image from my last book (History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline) – I ranked three greatest economists, one for each of the past three centuries.

Today, I am arguing that Karl Marx is the best economist of all time! Two main reasons:

  • China is back, offering a significant model of prosperity based on Marxism, without colonialism!
  • Karl Marx has been condemned in the West (aka “colonial powers”) over the past 100 years, at least, while the other two have been oversold. As I (and we) re-write the history since 1492, much new light must be shed on Karl Marx and Marxism.

For more on Karl Marx and Marxism, read History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline.

5. Still more discussion

For a need to study Karl Marx and Marxism (as well as many other theories) in America, watch the short video below.

6. Closing

Karl Marx is arguably the greatest economist of all time! Stay tuned for more publications of mine on Karl Marx and Marxism in the coming days and weeks.

Now, please sit back and enjoy the long video below about Karl Marx.



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