Who actually decisively defeated Nazi Germany?

Who actually decisively defeated Nazi Germany?

The USSR, not the U.S.A.!

1. The East vs. the West

Growing up in China, I was left with the impression that the USSR decisively defeated Nazi Germany. I was especially fascinated by two famous Russian movies: The Battle of Stalingrad and The Fall of Berlin. Both were well translated from Russian to Chinese.

Since departing China in 1982, I have immersed myself in Western cultures. For example, in America, I have encountered much about D-Day (Normandy landings), George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, but very little about the USSR, to the point that I think today most Americans are under the impression, if not brainwashed to believe, that it was the U.S.A. that decisively defeated Nazi Germany.

2. What is the truth?

After combining the narratives from both the East and the West, I have concluded that it was the USSR that decisively defeated Nazi Germany, with the U.S. fulfilling an indispensable role, from its critical leadership in the second front (or the Western Front – WWII) to the massive aid provided to the USSR throughout the war.

As a matter of fact, Wikipedia provides a fairly good description of WWII (Wikipedia – WWII).

Simply put, Nazi Germany would possibly have eventually lost to the USSR alone, just like Napoleon did early in the 19th century. After all, according to Untold History USA, the USSR took on some 200 German divisions, while the West led by the U.S. and the U.K. took on only about 10 in total before D-Day. For more, watch the video at the end of this post.

It must be emphasized that the help from the West was significant and undoubtedly expedited the demise of the Third Reich. But it was the USSR that decisively defeated Nazi Germany, by attrition, with massive amounts of casualties, both civilian and military (WWII casualties).

3. Discussion

History is written by, and about, the victor(s). The West had indeed won the Cold War against the East. But that does not mean the USSR’s role in decisively defeating Nazi Germany should be marginalized, as it appears in America’s version of WWII history.

Below are two important notes about Nazi Germany’s defeat.

  • It was against all conventional wisdom for Hitler to invade the USSR before taking down the U.K. Joseph Stalin could not believe it when it really happened, thanks to Hitler’s arrogance and delusion of invincibility.
  • Why didn’t Hitler take down the U.K. first? He tried but failed. For more, read Battle of Britain.

Below are my top three reasons (in this order) for Nazi Germany’s defeat.

  • It was decisively defeated at Stalingrad.
  • It failed to take down the U.K. first before invading the USSR, leaving its back door wide open which resulted in the next reason.
  • Normandy landings.

Finally, for those Americans who are religiously obsessed with democracy, here are two bottom-line messages:

  • It was democracy that produced Adolf Hitler.
  • It was the USSR, a communist country, that decisively defeated Nazi Germany.

4. More discussion

WWII history is very important for one simple reason: To prevent WWIII from happening.

WWII is the greatest self-inflicted disaster to mankind, but WWIII may destroy us all as a species!

The Cold War ended in 1991, but Cold War II actually started shortly after that, with NATO expanding eastwards. As a result, Russia recently invaded Ukraine …

Will this lead to WWIII?

Hopefully not!

Three informative readings:

For a more robust understanding of the world, read my new book: History 2.0 – China’s Comeback vs. America’s Decline

5. Closing

It was the USSR, not the U.S.A., that decisively defeated Nazi Germany!

Now please sit back and enjoy the video below.


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