NOAA Updates their September 2022 Outlook on August 31, 2022

Wildland Fire Risk Maps updated at 10:04 pm EDT on September 1, 2022

Short-term improvement in drought for September.  It is more than previously forecast.

At the end of every month, NOAA updates their Outlook for the following month which in this case is September. They also issue a Drought Outlook for the following month. We are reporting on that tonight.

There have been some significant changes in the Outlook for September and these are addressed in the NOAA Discussion so it is well worth reading. We highlighted some of the important changes within the NOAA Discussion.

Of significant interest is the Drought Outlook for September. It is again a big improvement but unfortunately, it probably is a one-month event. We have also included four months of Wildland Fire Potential Outlooks and also a map showing the year-to-date precipitation in the West. We also included a Monsoon Update.