NOAA March 7, 2024 Snow Drought Update: Published March 9, 2024

This is the most recent Snow Drought Report. I am not sure why they name it the way they do as the report can show both deficits and surpluses in the water stored in snowpack as of a particular date.

I have included some of the links that were in the NOAA article but if you want all of them you can find them HERE. All of the material in this article is from the NOAA article except for some comments from me which are in boxes so you can tell that those are my comments. The main graphic in this section is the situation on March 3. Updates to that graphic can be obtained HERE but the NOAA discussion is based on the situation as of the end of the day on March 3.

Some may have to click on “Read More” to read the rest of this article.

Snow Drought Current Conditions and Impacts in the West – El Nino Pattern – February 12, 2024

I receive this information once a month but it is really available weekly. But I get a nice report once a month so I send much of that out. The full report can be accessed HERE.

Here are the Highlights

 But there has just been a big snow event. So in the body of this article, I include much of the rest of the information provided to me by NIDIS but I also update one of the maps to February 10 conditions and include an end of January reservoir storage graphic also.   Some readers will have to click on “Read More” to access the rest of the article and others will not. It just depends on when and how you accessed this article.