Looking Ahead 28 Days from December 2, 2022 Plus Weekend Report

Updated at 4:40 p.m. EST on December 5, 2022

Once a week we show many of the actual forecast maps not just provide the links to these maps. This makes it easier for the reader. Our report provides a separate forecast for Days 1 and 2, Days  1-5, Days 6 -10, Days 8 – 14, and weeks 3 and 4. We also include a next-day and 10-Day Global Average Temperature and Cumulative Precipitation Forecast. This provides information that is useful to readers in terms of planning their activities for the weekend and the next 28 days. I will update the article with more recent short-term forecasts: Saturday through Monday

We see the expected movement of cold air from west to east of the pattern described in our prior Friday article and perhaps the area impacted shrinking in Weeks 3 and 4. It is quite similar to the overall Outlook predicted when the December Outlook was updated on Wednesday. Precipitation is expansive at first but the southern tier drought pattern gets started in Weeks 3 and 4. We had concerns about the 28-Day Outlook last week and did an experiment where we added the daily updates of the 6 – 10 and 8 – 14 day forecasts each day through Monday. We did not learn too much but I think we are seeing that the forecast last week may have been just a little bit early with its forecast as the flow seems smoother this week. But it may be that they actually nailed it last week. The maps are easy to read. But the maps reflect compromises by the forecasters. They are dealing with conflicting results from their various tools. But they can only produce one map (or that is all they issue). There is a discussion for the 6 – 10 day and 8 – 14 day maps but I do not include them to keep the size of the article reasonable. The links provided would take you to those discussions except on weekends as they are not issued on weekends. I could update those maps on Mondays (like I did last week) but it is a lot of work for me and most readers would not come back on Monday to see the comparison and I am not always available to do an update when NOAA issues their Monday version of the maps with their discussions until later in the day. But the links are there for the curious.

When we publish on Friday night, it provides a 28-day view of the future. What is important is that this is a longer-term view than one that is typically available in the Media and online. The amount of information about weather provided to the general public is quite limited. It is available to the public. But most do not have the time or level of interest to seek it out. My articles are at an intermediate level between what is generally available from the Media (ten-day forecasts and a good explanation for the first couple of days and the information used by meteorologists to produce these forecasts for general distribution. So I focus on longer timeframes and more depth into why the forecasts are what they are.

NOAA Updates it’s December 2022 Outlook on November 30, 2022

Wildfire Outlooks Updated at 7:50 pm EST December 1, 2022 (It gradually increases through March but is limited to two areas).

At the end of every month, NOAA updates its Outlook for the following month which in this case is December. They also issue a Drought Outlook for the following month. We are reporting on that this morning.

There have been some significant changes in the Outlook for December and these are addressed in the NOAA Discussion so it is well worth reading. We highlighted some of the important changes within the NOAA Discussion.  Of particular interest is the increased penetration of modified Artic air into the Lower 48 States (CONUS) and wet Pacific air to provide for a wet Northwest extending farther south along the West Coast. We end up with a wet, dry, wet, dry pattern extending NE to SE with a tendency for there to be wet Ohio and Tennessee Valleys.

The CLIMAS Podcast discusses some of the weather transitions we have seen and what may develop as this La Nina finally transitions to ENSO Neutral.

The article includes the Drought Outlook for December. We have also included the current fire incidents (not many) and four months of Wildland Fire Potential Outlooks and also a map showing the year-to-date precipitation in the West. We also provide the Week 2/3 Tropical Outlook for the World.

U.S. 48-Hour and Intermediate-Term Weather Outlooks, Tropical, and World Weather – Updated during December 1 and 2, 2022

Here is what we are paying attention to tonight (Updated at 5:40 pm EST December 2, 2022) and the next 48 hours from Friday Afternoon’s NWS Forecast. We may do some additional updating on this article but it will be replaced tonight or early Saturday morning with the 28-Day Outlook so look for it Econcurrents.com Author Sig Silber.

...Critical Fire Weather threat for parts of the Central Plains...

...Coastal rain and heavy mountain snow likely in the West...

...Cool down in store for northern tier and eastern half of country this

A look back at October 2022 State Rankings in the U.S.

I realize that soon we will be looking back at November but it makes sense to look back at October. We should have done it a couple of weeks ago when we looked at October from a global perspective.

State ranking is interesting because it is not based on how the climate of the US is changing but on how the climate of each state compares to other states. But it does this by looking at how the climate of a state for a given period of time compares to the state’s 128-year recent history. There are many ways to present data and I like this approach a lot.

In this article, we look at the month of October 2022 and the year-to-date data for 2022 through October.

November 29-30, 2022: U.S. 48-Hour and Intermediate-Term Weather Outlooks, Tropical, and World Weather

Updated on Tuesday November 29, 2022

Here is what we are paying attention to tonight and the next 48 hours from Tuesday Afternoon’s NWS Forecast.

...Heavy snow for the Cascades, Sierra and Northern Rockies...

...There are moderate flash flooding and severe weather threats over
portions of the Lower Mississippi & Tennessee Valleys and Southeast

Looking Ahead 28 Days from November 25, 2022 Plus Weekend Report

Updated at 9:30 p.m. EST November 28, 2027.  Our Monday – Tuesday 48-Hour forecast will be published soon.  And there will be an updated Outlook for the Month of December issued by NOAA CPC Wednesday and we will report on that Wednesday evening/Thursday morning.

Once a week we show many of the actual forecast maps not just provide the links to these maps. This makes it easier for the reader. Our report provides a separate forecast for Days 1 and 2, Days  1-5, Days 6 -10, Days 8 – 14, and weeks 3 and 4. We also include a next-day and 10-Day World Temperature and Precipitation Forecast. This provides information that is useful to readers in terms of planning their activities for the weekend and the next 28 days. Saturday through Monday I will update the article with more recent short-term forecasts.

Because like last week there is a major change in the forecast shown mid-month (and last week the 6 to 14 Day part of the outlook was dramatically changed on the Monday following Friday), I have included excerpts from the discussions at the beginning of the article as you will see. This will allow us to track how that part of the Outlook might change over the weekend.

The comments within the article discuss what we observed.

When we publish on Friday night, it provides a 28-day view of the future. What is important is that this is a longer-term view than one that is typically available in the media and online.

Thanksgiving through November 25, 2022

Updated at 5:21 p.m. EST Friday November 25, 2022 (Our 28 Day Outlook will be posted soon)

...Heavy snow in parts of southeastern New Mexico and West Texas through

...Heavy rainfall and flash flooding will continue along the Texas Gulf
Coast through tonight...

...Heavy mountain snow possible in the Pacific Northwest and northern
Rocky mountains this weekend...

World Climate Review for October 2022

I have consolidated a few NOAA Reports on Worldwide Climate in October 2022. In one case I have tried to put it the information in a better perspective. October was very warm but did not set a record. Temperatures seem to have plateaued. If ENSO switches to El Nino we may then see another true increase in Global Land Temperatures.  In a couple of days, I will provide an article specific to the U.S.

November 22-23, 2022: U.S. 48-Hour and Intermediate-Term Weather Outlooks, Tropical, and World Weather

Updated Wednesday Morning

Here is what we are paying attention to today and the next 48 hours from Wednesday Morning’s NWS Forecast.

...Rain and mountain snow possible across the Northern/Central Rockies and
Northern Plains today...

...Heavy rainfall to spread across parts of the Southern Plains and Lower
Mississippi Valley on Thanksgiving Day...

...Potentially impactful snow could begin as early as Thursday night for
parts of the Southern Plains...

Looking Ahead 28 Days from November 18, 2022 Plus Weekend Report

Updated at 6:32 pm EST November 21, 2022: There has been a shocking major change in the 6 – 14 Day Outlook. I will review the NOAA discussions to better understand why. There are no discussions issued with the Saturday and Sunday 6- 10 and 8 – 14 day Outlooks but perhaps I should have looked at the maps coming off the printer/plotter. I usually pay more attention to the discussion released on Fridays with the Week 3 – 4  Outlook as I think they do a better job.

During the week, we provide 48-Hour reports which focus on the shorter-term predictions but also have links to all the partial-month outlooks.

Once a week we show many of the actual forecast maps not just provide the links to these maps. This makes it easier for the reader. Our report provides a separate forecast for Days 1 and 2, Days  1-5, Days 6 -10, Days 8 – 14, and weeks 3 and 4. We also include a next-day and 10-Day World Temperature and Precipitation Forecast. This provides information that is useful to readers in terms of planning their activities for the weekend and the next 28 days. Tomorrow and Monday I will update the article with more recent short-term forecasts.

From the Week 3 -4 Discussion:

Over the equatorial Pacific, La Niña conditions persist, with below normal sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and reduced tropical convection in all Niño regions. In contrast, convection currently exists over the Maritime Continent associated with the emergence of the MJO into RMM phase 5. Both GEFS and ECMWF ensemble forecasts depict the propagation of the MJO through phases 5, 6 and 7 (Maritime Continent to the Western Pacific) over the next two weeks. After this time, the ensemble spread indicates a great deal of uncertainty as to either the continued propagation or the decay of the MJO. Regardless, the tropical convection associated with this active MJO during the two weeks leading up to Week 3-4 will produce upper-level divergence that resides in a favorable location to interact with the subtropical jet exiting southeast Asia. This interaction will produce a source for Rossby waves capable of propagating downstream and impacting surface conditions over CONUS/AK during the Week 3-4 period. Statistically, this sort of propagation is associated with troughing over AK and ridging over CONUS at short leads. However, at Week 3-4 leads the pattern typically reverses with ridging over AK and trouging over CONUS, reminiscent of a negative PNA pattern. Further downstream, a negative NAO is typically observed. Thus, a pattern shift that projects onto the negative phases of both the PNA and NAO is favored to occur near the end of Week 2 or beginning of Week 3. Whether this shift actually occurs and its exact timing are uncertain, which leads to overall low confidence probabilities throughout this Week 3-4 forecast.

I have chosen not to try to explain all the factors that go into this forecast. If anyone is interested post a comment and I will reply to it.

When we publish on Friday night, it provides a 28-day view of the future. What is important is that this is a longer-term view than one that is typically available in the media and online.