Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 8, 2023

Updated at 5:26 p.m. EDT Monday May 8, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
316 PM EDT Mon May 08 2023

Valid 00Z Tue May 09 2023 – 00Z Thu May 11 2023

…An active period of showers and thunderstorms expected across large
portions of the nation over the next few days…

…Heavy rains and flash flooding possible across eastern and coastal

…Above average temperatures expected across much of the Plains,
Mississippi Valley and Southeast, while below average temperatures
expected along the West coast, inland into the Great Basin and across the
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic…

…Fire Weather threat to continue across the Southern High Plains…

Weekly Crop Report May 7, 2023 – It looks like a good start but it is very early in season so too early to draw conclusions.

This article is based primarily on the May 2, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the April  24 – 30 period of time. The USDA report becomes available on Tuesdays but I plan to publish my article on Saturdays as it will be featured all day on Saturday. I may later decide to publish this report on Tuesday nights.  This week I was one day late because I was busy publishing the Colorado Basin report (which you can access HERE) so I apologize. I might add additional information. For those who need the information as soon as possible, the links to the information are provided at the end of the article.

It is early in the season so we are just beginning to have information on most crops. Moisture is not the major issue but some areas have to get a bit warmer.

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 7, 2023

Updated at 4:28 p.m. EDT Sunday, May 7, 2023 (“risky” is the word of the day)

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
405 PM EDT Sun May 07 2023

Valid 00Z Mon May 08 2023 – 00Z Wed May 10 2023

…There is an Enhanced Risk of severe thunderstorms over parts of the
Middle Mississippi Valley on Sunday and a Slight Risk over the
Central/Southern Plains to the Middle Mississippi/Ohio Valleys…

…There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall over parts of the Middle
Mississippi/Ohio and Tennessee Valleys on Sunday, a Marginal Risk in the
Middle Mississippi/Ohio Valley on Monday, and Central/Southern Plains on

…There is a Critical Risk of fire weather over parts of the Southern
High Plains…

Colorado River and Utah Basins May 1, 2023 Condition Report Published on May 6, 2023 – Slightly Less Good than Last Month but Still Looking Very Good

Updated at 4:15 a.m. EDT Monday, May 10, 2023 to include information on the Rio Grande in New Mexico

The mission of the National Weather Service Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC) is to produce river, flood and water supply forecasts for the Colorado Basin and the Great Basin in support of saving lives and property and to enhance the region’s environment and economy.

In this article, I am providing a summary of the situation as of May 1, 2023.  But I have provided links to obtain more current information. In a way, the situation is very good but not quite as good as it seemed to be on April 1 in the Southern portion of the Basin. But flood risk has increased in a few places.

I have also included information on the current reservoir storage levels including a few that are outside of the Colorado River Basin.

The image below shows the area covered in the CBRFC Report. But I am also providing some summary information for the Utah Basin. I might still add some information for the Rio Grande in New Mexico.

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 6, 2023

Updated at 9:03 p.m. EDT Saturday, May 6, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
405 PM EDT Sat May 06 2023

Valid 00Z Sun May 07 2023 – 00Z Tue May 09 2023

…There is an Enhanced Risk of severe thunderstorms over parts of the
Southern Plains Saturday and the Middle Mississippi Valley on Sunday…

…There is a Marginal Risk of excessive rainfall over parts of the Ohio
Valley into the Middle Mississippi Valley…

…There is a Critical Risk of fire weather over parts of the Southern
Rockies/Southern Nigh Plains...

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 5, 2023

Updated at 4:27 p.m. EDT Friday, May 5, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
329 PM EDT Fri May 05 2023

Valid 00Z Sat May 06 2023 – 00Z Mon May 08 2023

…Active weather pattern from the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest;
severe storms expected across Great Plains and Mississippi Valley…

…Summer-like heat to engulf the Southern/Central Plains and Middle
Mississippi Valley this weekend with some record breaking high
temperatures possible…

…Cooler than normal temperatures to stick around in the West; Critical
Fire Weather in the Southwest and Southern Plains this weekend…

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 4, 2023

Updated at 4:30 p.m. Thursday May 4, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
400 PM EDT Thu May 04 2023

Valid 00Z Fri May 05 2023 – 00Z Sun May 07 2023

…Threat of severe thunderstorms over the southern Plains through tonight
followed by heavy rain and threat of flash flooding across the Tennessee
Valley on Friday…

…Unsettled weather expanding into the Pacific Northwest will promote
snowmelt and flooding across the interior sections while rain and some
thunderstorms expand up the northern Plains…

…Cool afternoons across the western U.S. and the Mid-Atlantic will be
contrasted with highs into the low 90s in the central Plains by Saturday…

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 3, 2023

Updated at 4:37 p.m. EDT Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
323 PM EDT Wed May 03 2023

Valid 00Z Thu May 04 2023 – 00Z Sat May 06 2023

…Damp and cool conditions expected in the Northeast and Northwest
through the end of the work week…

…Above average temperatures will continue in the northern Intermountain
West and High Plains through Friday…

…Scattered severe thunderstorms possible in the Southern Plains on

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted May 2, 2023

Updated at 6:29 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
344 PM EDT Tue May 02 2023

Valid 00Z Wed May 03 2023 – 00Z Fri May 05 2023

…Much below average temperatures expected Wednesday across the Northeast
and Mid-Atlantic…

…Moderate to heavy snow in the West Virginia Appalachians will continue
into Wednesday…

…Much above average temperatures in the Northwest will cause snowmelt
and flooding concerns this week…

…Scattered severe thunderstorms possible in the Southern Plains

NOAA Updates It’s May 2023 Outlook on April 30, 2023

At the end of every month, NOAA updates its Outlook for the following month which in this case is May of 2023. We are reporting on that tonight.

There have been some significant changes in the Outlook for May and these are addressed in the NOAA Discussion so it is well worth reading. We highlighted some of the important changes within the NOAA Discussion. We also provided the prior Mid-Month Outlook for May for comparison.  From the NOAA Discussion:

  • A weak tilt toward below normal temperatures is indicated over the interior eastern CONUS beneath the persistent early-May trough
  • Enhanced probabilities of above normal temperatures remain over New England and Florida
  • The area of above normal [temperature] probabilities over the Pacific Northwest is expanded into the western Northern Plains
  • The region of below normal [temperature] probabilities is maintained and expanded over the West Coast into the Southwest
  • Enhanced probabilities of below normal precipitation over the Great Lakes  are expanded into the Upper and Middle Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee Valley regions
  • The tilt towards above normal precipitation is maintained over the Gulf States and expanded into parts of eastern Texas
  • A tilt toward above normal precipitation is now indicated over the western CONUS

The article includes the Drought Outlook for May. We have also included the current fire incidents (starting to increase) and four months of Wildland Fire Potential Outlooks and also a map showing the current snowpack in the West and the streamflow forecast. We also provide the Week 2/3 Tropical Outlook for the World. We also provide an interesting Podcast that reviews the Winter and looks ahead to the Spring.