Northern Great Plains Response to Global Warming: Posted March 2, 2024

This is about the U.S. National Climate Assessment Program and in particular the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment which you can access HERE.

It is a long report and one part of the report is chapters on different regions of the U.S.   Last week I participated in a video Zoom session related to Chapter 25: the Northern Great Plains. So in this article, I will talk first about the National Climate Assessment (NCA) Program and then what I learned at the video session with the working group for the Northern Great Plains. After the discussion of the overall program, I will be using the slides presented at that session which are mostly from the National Climate Assessment report. I am using their slides because they presumable presented the slides that were of most interest to them and of course, there was only one hour for the session so that limits what can be presented.  If you do not like looking at slides without audio, you can access the Zoom session that was held HERE.



This is important. Each Regional Chapter is organized around five topics and you will see them in this presentation.

Please click on “Read More” to access the discussion concerning the Northern Great Plains Region. It is presented in the form of responses to five key messages from the NCA5 Report.

NCA5: Drought and Climate Change in 10 Maps – December 2, 2023

I am just providing a report from NCA5. I am providing the full report but you can access it HERE and then there will be live links that you can click on for additional information.  There is a lot more in that report than these 10 Maps but they feature these 10 Maps as sort of a summary of the key points in that report. I have added some comments to each map to perhaps help interpret these 10 Maps but I have not read the full report so I may not understand enough to fully interpret them. But I will do my best. It appears to me that this set of 10 maps is intended to entice people to read the chapter or chapters where the material is presented in more depth.