Looking Back at Weather for the U.S. and World in January 2024 Posted on February 20, 2024

Much of the information in this report comes from the monthly emails I receive from John Bateman. He does public outreach for NOAA and in particular NCEI. I could find the same information and more on the NCEI website but John Bateman produces a good summary so I use it or most of it. I also usually add additional information from NCEI or other NOAA websites. The full NCEI report can be accessed HERE.

Arctic air mass brought bitter cold and snow to much of the nation in mid-January
Powerful storms brought heavy rainfall and flooding to parts of the southern Plains

                                                                                                John Bateman, john.jones-bateman@noaa.gov, 202-424-0929

                                                                                           February 8, 2024


                                                                                          Earth had another record-warm month
                                                                                         It was also the second-wettest January on record Contact
                                                                                              John Bateman, john.jones-bateman@noaa.gov, 202-424-0929

                                                                                         February 14, 2024


I start with the U.S. Key Points

  • The arctic air mass from January 14–18 broke nearly 2,500 daily minimum temperatures county records from the Northwest to the Lower Mississippi Valley.

  • On January 22–25, heavy rainfall brought more than a month’s worth of rain and life-threatening flooding to parts of Texas and Louisiana.

  • January 2024 was the 10th-wettest January on record for the nation, and temperature ranked in the middle third of the historical record for the month.

And then the Global Key Points

  • Temperatures were above average over much of the globe, but the eastern United States, most of Europe and a few other areas were cooler than average.

  • There is a 22% chance that 2024 will be the warmest year in NOAA’s 175-year record and a 79% chance that El Niño will transition to neutral conditions by mid-year.

  • Northern Hemisphere snow cover was near average, but Antarctic sea ice extent was fifth lowest on record for January.

  • Global precipitation was nearly record-high in January, following on the heels of a record-wet December.

I added the below to what John Bateman provided.


January 2024 was a busy month



This is the temperature trend for CONUS. There was a decrease for January in 2024


The temperature for the world, land and water hit a new record, but when looking at land alone it was not a new record.

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