Looking Ahead 28 Days from December 9, 2022 Plus Weekend Report

Updated at 3:55 p.m. Monday December 12, 2022

Once a week we show many of the actual forecast maps not just provide the links to these maps. This makes it easier for the reader. Our report provides a separate forecast for Days 1 and 2, Days  1-5, Days 6 -10, Days 8 – 14, and weeks 3 and 4. We also include a next-day and 10-Day Global Average Temperature and Cumulative Precipitation Forecast. This provides information that is useful to readers in terms of planning their activities for the weekend and the next 28 days. I will update the article with more recent short-term forecasts: Saturday through Monday

Over the weekend and into Monday there will be frequent updates of the short-term forecast.

Looking out 28 days, what we see is

  • For Temperature: Very cold air entering the Northwest and over the course of 28 days moving east to the Northern Great Plains while moderating to some extent.
  • For Precipitation: An unusually wet pattern that gradually becomes more spotty. We will learn more on Thursday when NOAA issues its Seasonal Outlook. But it looks like it will evolve into a few months of Southern Tier drought for the first part of 2023.

When we publish on Friday night, it provides a 28-day view of the future. What is important is that this is a longer-term view than one that is typically available in the Media and online. The amount of information about weather provided to the general public is quite limited. It is available to the public. But most do not have the time or level of interest to seek it out. My articles are at an intermediate level between what is generally available from the Media (ten-day forecasts and a good explanation for the first couple of days and the information used by meteorologists to produce these forecasts for general distribution. So I focus on longer timeframes and more depth into why the forecasts are what they are.