Crop Report July 29, 2023 – Crop Condition has Stabilized and May be Improving Somewhat -Where did the Cattle go?

This article is based primarily on the July 25, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the July 17 to 23 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays and I was not able to publish my article which is based on that report until now. I have omitted a number of graphics but they are available in the full USDA Crop Bulletin and the link to that is at the end of the article.

It now seems more like an average crop but it has not gotten worse which is a relief and it seems that some of the crops are doing better.

There is a recent Executive Briefing focusing on Cattle and I have published it in its entirety but with a minimum of comments. I was curious as to why beef prices were so high at the food stores and I think the presentation explains at least one of the reasons for this.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

We begin with the National Agriculture Summary.  The Tables below the summary have additional data. The boxes with my comments may be incomplete so for crops of interest check the data out yourself to be sure.