NOAA 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook Issued on August 8, 2024 and Posted on August 10, 2024

 This is an update from the original Outlook issued in May.

The links lead to graphics that are very technical and IMO not too helpful but the links are HERE,  and HERE (and this pertains to the Eastern Pacific).

This is a good summary of the current Outlook compared to what was issued in May.

The above I believe just covers the Atlantic and is not much changed. They do not define the term ACE which is defined on the Colorado State Website as: “ACE is calculated by summing the square of the maximum sustained winds of each tropical cyclone (in knots) every six hours when the system is classified as either tropical or sub-tropical. The resulting value is then divided by 10,000. Details of the calculation are available on Wikipedia’s website:”  It is generally accepted that the impact of wind increases with the square of the wind speed so this measure is to some extent logical. Notice how this year is expected to compare to the 1991-2020 average which is considered climatology.

I will now present to full NOAA Press Release. Any comments by me will be in a box or I will simply highlight in bold type what I consider to be important or insert my thoughts within brackets [ ].

Some may need to click on “Read More” to access the full article.