Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 10, 2023

Updated at 6:57 p.m. Saturday, June 10, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
400 PM EDT Sat Jun 10 2023

Valid 00Z Sun Jun 11 2023 – 00Z Tue Jun 13 2023

…Severe thunderstorms expected across parts of the Southern Plains and
Lower Mississippi Valley through tonight…

…Locally heavy rainfall and some potential for flash flooding will shift
over into the Ohio/Tennessee valleys on Sunday, but will also still be a
concern for the central High Plains…

…Triple digit heat builds into much of Texas over the next few days…

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 9, 2023

Updated at 4:16 p.m. EDT Friday, June 9, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
401 PM EDT Fri Jun 09 2023

Valid 00Z Sat Jun 10 2023 – 00Z Mon Jun 12 2023

…Heavy rainfall leading to flash flooding likely across Northern Great
Basin/Plains/Rockies tonight; Great Plains and Mississippi Valley this

…Severe weather expected from Central/Southern Plains to Middle/Lower
Mississippi Valley this weekend…

…Air Quality Alerts due to Canadian wildfire smoke remain in effect over
parts of the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley to the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic…

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 8, 2023

Updated at 4:05 p.m. EDT July 8, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
341 PM EDT Thu Jun 08 2023

Valid 00Z Fri Jun 09 2023 – 00Z Sun Jun 11 2023

…There is a Moderate Risk of excessive rainfall leading to flash
flooding over parts of the Northern Rockies/Plains tonight…

…Air Quality Alerts over parts of the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley to the
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic…

…Temperatures will be below average over parts of California/Southwest
and the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic…

Weekly Crop Report, June 6, 2023 – Corn Wilting

This article is based primarily on the June 6, 2023, USDA Crop Bulletin which covers the May 29 – June 4 period of time. The USDA report usually becomes available on Tuesdays.

Almost all crops are doing well. Soybeans, which is a major crop is doing very well. Corn has had to deal with a difficult drought situation but the weather is forecast to improve for much of the corn belt.

We also include the recent report on grain grindings.

The article includes a short international review of agricultural conditions.

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 7, 2023

Updated at 5:27 p.m. June 7, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
333 PM EDT Wed Jun 07 2023

Valid 00Z Thu Jun 08 2023 – 00Z Sat Jun 10 2023

…Hazardous air quality levels will persist across the Northeast and
Mid-Atlantic through Thursday before shifting westward into Ohio Valley on

…Heavy rainfall possible throughout central and northern Rockies on
Wednesday; rainfall threat will shift northward into Montana on Thursday
and Friday…

…Below-average temperatures to continue in the East and Southwest, while
Pacific Northwest and Plains stay above-average.

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 6, 2023

Updated at 3:52 p.m. Tuesday, June 6, 2023Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
345 PM EDT Tue Jun 06 2023

Valid 00Z Wed Jun 07 2023 – 00Z Fri Jun 09 2023

...Much above average temperatures from the Northern Plains to the Pacific
Northwest while the Southwest/California and the Northeast remain below

…Numerous and Widespread Air Quality Alerts from the Northeast to the
Great Lakes as well as for other urban areas in the central/eastern U.S…

…Scattered to widespread showers and storms with the risk for flash
flooding continue from the High Plains into the Intermountain West…

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 5, 2023

Updated at 8:16 p.m. EDT Monday, June 5, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
341 PM EDT Mon Jun 05 2023

Valid 00Z Tue Jun 06 2023 - 00Z Thu Jun 08 2023

...There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall over parts of the Southern
High Plains through Wednesday...

...Much cooler than normal over much of California/Southwest and the

...Periods of smoky conditions and poor air quality around the Great

What is an Omega Block?

Learn more about the Omega Block and other important  Wave Patterns HERE.

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 4, 2023

Updated at 5:10 p.m. EDT Sunday June 4, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
352 PM EDT Sun Jun 04 2023

Valid 00Z Mon Jun 05 2023 – 00Z Wed Jun 07 2023

…Areas of heavy rain and flash flooding possible across the southern
High Plains over the next few days…

…Above average temperatures remain throughout the northern Plains and
build into the Pacific Northwest by Tuesday…

Introduction to Global Warming Part 1, June 3, 2023

It is time to talk about Global Warming. I prefer the term Global Warming(GW) to Climate Change(CC) simply because it is the warming that changes the climate. But either term is fine. We are going to tackle this in small portions. It is a very complicated and a largely misunderstood topic. My major interest is the economic impacts but I think we need to start by understanding what Global Warming is and why it is happening.

In Part I,  I am going to discuss the imbalance between incoming energy and outgoing energy.  I am also going to try to explain why it is happening and the role of greenhouse gases. I believe we are at the point now where there is no doubt that this is caused almost totally by the activities of humans. But even if it was a natural phenomenon, what I am presenting in this article would apply. The only way to get warmer is to receive more energy than you send into space.  Not being in balance could be caused by humans or by something else. We will deal with the cause in a future article.  Part I of this Introduction to Global Warming is about the imbalance.

Weather: Tonight, Tomorrow, Next Day, Five Days, and Intermediate-Term Outlooks for the U.S. and a Six-Day Forecast for the World: posted June 3, 2023

Here is what we are paying attention to in the next 48 to 72 hours. The article also includes weather maps for longer-term outlooks and a five-day World weather forecast.

We start with the U.S. Information.

Short Range Forecast Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
400 PM EDT Sat Jun 03 2023

Valid 00Z Sun Jun 04 2023 – 00Z Tue Jun 06 2023

…Unsettled weather to continue through the weekend across much of the
High Plains and into the Central/Northern Rockies with locally heavy

…Hot temperatures to continue across the Northern Plains and much of the

…Much colder weather with much below normal temperatures expected across
the Northeast..