World Climate Review for October 2022

I have consolidated a few NOAA Reports on Worldwide Climate in October 2022. In one case I have tried to put it the information in a better perspective. October was very warm but did not set a record. Temperatures seem to have plateaued. If ENSO switches to El Nino we may then see another true increase in Global Land Temperatures.  In a couple of days, I will provide an article specific to the U.S.

I assembled the information from two related sources Here and Here. They are basically the same source NCEI. NOAA has a very large amount of information available to them and different parts of the organization prepare reports for the public and use different graphics and present different highlights. I have tried to integrate two or three reports and I am not sure I have done it perfectly.

The above in my opinion is the most important graphic. It shows that the Earth is getting warmer. It has a regression line that shows the rate of the warming. +0.74C increase in temperature per century helps to put the problem in perspective. It shows that recent years have been quite warm. But it also shows a plateau i.e. 2022 did not set a new record. One might detect some long cycles in the data. Let’s now look at the additional information from the two or three related reports that I utilized.
This shows the significant climate anomalies and events in October 2022

Now let us look at Temperature and Precipitation

This shows where it was warm and where it was cool relative to Climate Norms.

Additional Graphics

Similar to a graphic shown above, this provides more detail as to where it was warm and where it was cool relative to climatology
This does the same for precipitation
I hope you found this article interesting and useful


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