U.S. Agriculture News – Published September 28, 2024

We recently reported on World Agriculture Production and our report can be accessed HERE.

That report included the U.S. but here we focus on the  U.S.

This is a simple table but you can see that the index of prices received were higher in August 2024 than July 2024  or August 2023.  Similarly, the index of prices paid by farmers and ranchers was lower in August of 2024 so presumably, profit increased.

Some will have to click on “Read More” to access the full article.


United States Department of Agriculture • Washington, DC 20250
Ag Statistics Hotline: (800) 727-9540 • www.nass.usda.gov
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: NASS-Media@usda.gov

HERE is the link to the above which focuses on area planted, harvested, and the yield for three major crops.

But here is an even more recent  report that  focuses on prices   received and prices  expended by farmers.

HERE is the link.

 I hope you found this article interesting and useful.


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